Q&A with the CEO of MBO Partners, Miles Everson on: How Generative AI is A Game-Changer for Freelancers & Independent Workers

Q&A with the CEO of MBO Partners, Miles Everson on: How Generative AI is A Game-Changer for Freelancers & Independent Workers

In this TechBullion Q&A session, Miles Everson, CEO of MBO Partners, delves into the transformative impact of generative AI on freelancers and independent workers. Everson, a seasoned leader with nearly three decades of experience at PwC, brings a profound understanding of business strategy and the future of work. He emphasizes the significance of AI in enhancing productivity and creativity, highlighting how 59% of freelancers are already incorporating AI into their workflows. Everson also discusses the challenges, such as accessing necessary data and staying ahead of AI advancements, while advocating for continuous upskilling and adaptability. He foresees the rise of new job categories and emphasizes the importance of leveraging AI to offer innovative solutions, foster stronger client relationships, and maintain a competitive edge. As AI continues to evolve, Everson predicts accelerated technological change, the fractionalization of work, and an increased demand for independent workers, urging them to embrace these trends to thrive in the dynamic future of work.

Please tell us your name, a little more about yourself, and provide an introduction to MBO Partners.

I am Miles Everson and while my current title is CEO of MBO Partners, I prefer to be known as someone who is focused on being a thought leader in the future of work, the entrepreneurial mindset, and living authentically. I am a lifelong business builder and I spent nearly three decades at PwC where I specialized in executive management while working with some of the largest and most prominent global organizations. This extensive experience has given me a deep understanding of business strategy and the intricacies of organizational growth.

On a personal level, I am a maniacal believer in going all in and ensuring that everyone is free to live and work the way that they want. I am always considering the art of the possible, listening and learning, and actively maintaining healthy work-life integration, and putting mind-body health at the forefront. I believe this full life integration – Health, Wealth and the Future – are the best ways you can grow both as an individual and as a leader, and I bring this to MBO every day. The evolution of the social contract between independent workers and companies is something I feel incredibly passionate about and I am publishing a book, The Free Birds Revolution, in January of 2025 to address the need for change.

You recently conducted a study on how independent workers and freelancers view and use generative AI in their work. What are some of the key findings from the study?

Our recent study showed that independent workers and freelancers are increasingly integrating generative AI into their work, finding it particularly useful for enhancing productivity and creativity. The survey indicated that 59% of these professionals are already using AI in a variety of applications for tasks like content creation, data analysis, and automating repetitive processes. This shift is driven by the technology’s ability to save time and improve work quality.

Additionally, our study uncovered a growing trend of AI upskilling among independent workers. Many are investing time in learning how to effectively use AI tools, recognizing the competitive advantage these skills provide. While some have concern about the potential for AI to replace certain jobs, the majority of independents view it as an opportunity to enhance their capabilities and offer more innovative solutions to clients. Our study showed that independents will double down on AI adoption over the next two years. This positive outlook suggests a strong alignment between the adoption of AI and the future growth of the independent workforce.

Why do you think independent professionals are so bullish on AI right now?

Independent professionals are bullish on AI because it empowers them to work more efficiently and creatively. With generative AI, they can automate mundane tasks, giving them more time to focus on strategic projects, making it a valuable asset in their professional toolkit.

Generative AI also allows them to stay competitive by tapping into readily available knowledge flows to rival even the largest firms in the professional services industry. In addition, independent workers tend to naturally be more open to acquiring new skills and adapting to changes more quickly compared to traditional employees since they aren’t tied down by a single company’s demands. This gives them more flexibility and greater adaptability.

What are the primary challenges independent workers face when adopting generative AI, and how can they overcome these challenges?

The first challenge independent workers face when adopting generative AI is accessing the necessary data sets. They often need to combine public and private data, but data protection concerns can make it difficult to obtain and use private data sets. Additionally, the type of generative AI that can be deployed depends on company policies, which can sometimes limit the tools available to independent professionals.

Another challenge is training AI models, which requires not just data but also human interpretation, necessitating additional resources. Independent workers can overcome these challenges by leveraging platforms like MBO Partners for expert networks.

Lastly, while generative AI creates new opportunities, it also poses risks. The biggest challenge for independents is failing to stay ahead in its use. As noted by AI expert Karim Lakhani, “AI Won’t Replace Humans — But Humans With AI Will Replace Humans Without AI.” This applies to independent workers as well, emphasizing the importance of staying current with AI advancements.

Given the rapid advancements in AI, what skills should independent workers focus on developing to stay relevant and competitive?

First, it’s important to get to know the myriad of different AI tools and understand the data they use and how they analyze it. Understanding various modeling techniques and algorithms will help you apply AI more effectively. Additionally, learning to use AI accelerators can streamline your work and offer better solutions to clients. 

We believe that independent professionals need to leverage these tools and prepare for engagements that shift from the former practice of billing on a per-hour basis, to an approach where we expect to see more outcome-based assignments in order to leverage the time saved as a result of approved AI service providers. 

By keeping up with these skills, you’ll be well-equipped to stay ahead and deliver innovative results.

Do you envision new job categories emerging from the widespread adoption of generative AI, and what should independent workers do to prepare for these opportunities?

Absolutely, new job categories are likely to emerge as generative AI becomes more widespread. While it’s hard to predict exactly what these roles will be, the best way to prepare is to build a strong foundation in key AI skills, like understanding different AI tools, data sources, and modeling techniques. It’s also crucial to cultivate a mindset of curiosity and critical thinking. This means not just consuming information, like from podcasts, but actively applying what you learn. Innovation tends to create more jobs than it replaces, so being adaptable and open to learning new skills will be vital.

How can companies harness the potential of AI-savvy independent workers to gain and sustain a competitive edge?

Companies can harness the potential of AI-savvy independent workers by leveraging their fresh, outside perspectives to challenge conventional thinking within the organization. Independent workers bring innovative ideas and a willingness to experiment with new approaches, which can be especially valuable in utilizing open-source generative AI tools. These professionals often have easy access to cutting-edge technology and can quickly implement AI solutions tailored to specific business needs. By tapping into this expertise, companies can drive innovation, adapt to market changes, and maintain a competitive edge.

How can independent workers leverage Generative AI to improve their client relationships and deliver more value?

First, generative AI allows independents to provide innovative insights and solutions at a lower cost, making it easier to stay ahead of their clients’ needs. They can also collaborate more efficiently with clients, delivering results faster and more effectively. 

Generative AI enables independents to rapidly iterate and refine concepts, offering proof of concepts and continuous improvements that showcase their expertise and responsiveness. This agility helps build stronger, more trusting client relationships.

What advice would you give to independent workers who are just starting to explore the use of generative AI in their work?

My advice is to first understand the landscape of AI tools available. Familiarize yourself with different technologies and how they can be applied to solve business problems. Begin by identifying the business challenges you face and then match those challenges with the appropriate AI tools. It’s also important to stay curious and continuously learn, as the field is rapidly evolving. Start small with proof-of-concept projects to build your confidence and demonstrate value to clients.

What long-term trends do you foresee in the independent workforce as generative AI continues to evolve?

I see three key trends emerging – Accelerated Technological and Economic Change, Fractionalization and Personalization of Work and Increased Demand for Independent Workers and Enhanced Remote Work Capabilities.

Accelerated Technological and Economic Change

Generative AI will drive rapid advancements, accelerating changes in labor, employment, HR, compensation, benefits, career planning, training, and credentialing. This will create a dynamic, flexible work environment, requiring independent workers to adapt quickly. Technological progress will lower barriers to entry, making tools and resources cheaper and more accessible, allowing more people to join the gig economy. Businesses will benefit from reduced employment expenses, increased agility, and innovation.

Fractionalization and Personalization of Work

Generative AI will further fractionalize work, breaking tasks into smaller, specialized components for a distributed network of workers or AI. This will create a personalized work environment where independent workers offer specific skills for particular outcomes, rather than predefined roles. This shift will allow companies to access a global talent pool, fostering innovation and creativity. Independent workers will gain increased access to opportunities and diverse projects.

Increased Demand for Independent Workers and Enhanced Remote Work Capabilities

As businesses recognize the benefits of independent workers, demand for this workforce segment will rise. Independent workers provide flexibility to scale the workforce quickly in response to market changes. Enhanced remote work capabilities, driven by generative AI, will facilitate collaboration from anywhere. AI-driven project management systems, virtual assistants, and advanced communication platforms will streamline remote work, increasing efficiency and productivity. Businesses will need to rethink workforce strategies and develop new talent acquisition, management, and retention approaches.

Originally Appeared Here