☕ Today’s Perkup! 28 Halloween Campaigns, Minecraft, Unicorns, Rockets, more!

☕ Today’s Perkup! 28 Halloween Campaigns, Minecraft, Unicorns, Rockets, more!

=== ALERT ===

First and foremost: Kindly ensure you have mkt@mkt.trendteller.com and btl@virtual-coach.com whitelisted in your email reader! The newsletter will NOT arrive unless you do.

Let’s begin with
Wait a Sec!

Today’s Fascinating Fact:   Did you know that the Unicorn is the National Animal of Scotland?

Isn’t that nifty? Learn more at:

The Unicorn: Scotland’s National Animal

I will admit – Unicorns are one of my fav mythological animals of all, right along there with dragons and phoenixes (phoenii?).   They often show up in themes of my MidJourney artwork.

Table of Contents:

☕ Section 1.)  Dealing with Tweebleheads

🔥 Section 2.)  The Current Special

👍 Section 3.)  Catching a Rocket?

🌎 Section 4.)  The Unexpected!

🍀 Section 5.)  Animator vs. Mindcraft!


☕ Dealing with Tweebleheads

Why hello everyone and here we have the latest Virtual Coach newsletter and…

WAIT  Hang On!

I will be moving this newsletter to a different internal list (it will simplify things for those who are subscribed to my other classes)  Please take the time now to sign-up/verify you will get these newsletters below.   Thank you!
(Click in the First Name field below and see what happens.  😊 )

And now back to our regularly broadcasted goodness!

Have you ever dealt with downright jerks in your PMs?  Folks who are more unpleasant than Godzilla when deprived of his morning coffee?

Earlier this week, I sure did. And the weirdness about it was… I have known this person for more than 2 decades and yet when a misunderstanding occurred, said person brought out the imaginary firing squad and more.

I chose to disengage by responding “Sorry you feel this way, I’m going to disengage now. Have a great week.”  And then received back another response of “Oh so you need to have the last word huh?”


Now, here’s the important thing.

20 years from now, nobody will probably remember what you said.

But they sure as heck will remember how you made them *feel*.

And if you choose to behave LESS human than a rabid hyena, your actions will cause destroy any *future* benefits you might have enjoyed.

Your takeaway?

Even if there’s a misunderstanding, *first* ascertain that maliciousness was really meant. If not, discuss how communications could have been better.  If so, well, fire them from your list of friends and move on.

In other words:

Don’t torpedo your relationships simply because of a misunderstanding. It can end up backfiring on you bigtime.

Good stuff!

And let’s dive into today!


🔥 The Current Special

Cashing in with Halloween? There’s still time, you know… And we’ve made it as simple as ABC.

‘Tis one of the latest of our DAB PLR, perfect for business owners or consultants.  What you see above contains not 1, not 2 but 28(!) Halloween marketing campaigns that get pretty creative indeed.   After all, it’s expected that over 11.4 billion dollars will be spent by consumers… 

… why not ensure your business takes advantage of that?

(and if you’re not the owner, you can then provide these suggestions to your manager… something that looks really great when Performance Review time rolls around).  

Click HERE to check it out!  🎯



👍 Catching a Rocket

Did you see this happen?  It’s a breakthrough for spaceflight.  Incredible.  First, notice how the engines nudge the rocket towards the chopsticks…


And you can see the *entire* test below.


What else?   Let’s check out:


🌎 The Unexpected! 

Did you catch this goodie?



🍀 Animation vs. Minecraft

This guy who created this is amazing!  See the original below it.


The original is “Animator vs. Animation:”



Nifty indeed!


And don’t forget:

Our Public Service Message: Beware The News!

Picture this: you create a viral video about a fossilized clam, and depending on the news outlet, the story spins in wildly different directions!  Is it a space alien?  Was it planted by Purple People Eater Peace?  Is its first cousin a Pet Rock?

Well… Want to see the media’s spin tricks in right before your eyes?  Visit  AllSides.com … or you can find every take simply by searching here

I’d like to encourage you to look into what *everyone* is saying, so you have knowledge of what’s being spread:

(aka… Media Bias)

And about business?

Our Other PSA!

You might NOT be a boomer (‘course, you might be)…

But you might be experiencing:

  • Anxiety/depression
  • Decrease in motivation (hello self!)
  • Increase in irritation due to the world’s current status
  • Physical/mental/emotional challenge

And that’s why you’re going to want to ensure you stay subscribed to me.

Because, unlike the VAST majority of marketers you’ll see out there…

I admit it when things go bad (as you can see above!  🙂 )

My health could be ‘way better, my drive could be ‘way better, heck… *I* could be way better!

But so long as there’s breath within my body… I will keep fighting.

Join me?  🙂

Remember, while reinventing, I’m going to section out my audience like so:

  • Beginners
  • Advanced
  • Folks going thru Anxiety/Depression/Growing Bolder/etc.

Stay tuned!


I’ll be moving the backend publication to another provider.

So pls let me know when you receive a duplicate. 

Finally, if you know anyone who might enjoy these newsletters, please feel free to forward this to them, and let them know they can sign up over HERE!

Thank you for enjoying my newsletters – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all these thrilling updates.

Grow strong,

Barb Ling, Virtual Coach and MamaBear
26-plus year Veteran Digital Marketer

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing Pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Virtual-Coach.com and
| BarbaraLing.com, she has taught beeeyons
| of entrepreneurs how
| to master AI Content Creation,
| Supporting Your Family Online, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 100 books
| her educational style is denoted by motivational,
| humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from every corner how to be successful
| on the Internet. Stay tuned for more social
| coming soon!


Got questions?
I respond to every email sent! Happy to hear from you…. and remember:

Fortune Favors The Bold

Go out and make *yourself* fortunate, Today!