☕ Today’s Perkup! Choosing to Shine (or not), Texas Cake, PITR, more!

☕ Today’s Perkup! Choosing to Shine (or not), Texas Cake, PITR, more!

=== ALERT ===

First and foremost: Kindly ensure you have mkt@mkt.trendteller.com and btl@virtual-coach.com whitelisted in your email reader! The newsletter will NOT arrive unless you do.

Let’s begin with
Wait a Sec!

Today’s Fascinating Fact:   Did you know that German Chocolate Cake originated in Texas?  The baker’s last name was ‘german.’

Isn’t that nifty? Learn more at:

German Chocolate Cake History

For me, this doesn’t thrill my culinary taste buds (or lack thereof) whatsoever.   Consider instead, buttercream frosting. at:   Preferably frozen.  NOW! You are talking.   🙂

Table of Contents:

☕ Section 1.)  Taking Your Power Back!

🔥 Section 2.)  The Current Special

👍 Section 3.)  The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

🌎 Section 4.)  The Unexpected!

🍀 Section 5.)  7 CyberSecurity Tips!


☕ Taking Your Power Back

Why hello everyone and here we have the latest Virtual Coach newsletter!

Hang on – first!  Let me awarize you to how to create AWESOME (with a Capital A) Content via AI (90% is already done for you:


‘Tis one of the latest of our DAB Content Seeds – Products in the Rough!   What you see above is the actual Users Guide I wrote over the weekend.   And it is SO cool – basically, you’ll receive a Microsoft Docx file about the topic you chose (and one that contains, oh, about 40-odd Chapters within it).   But what you can actually *do* with it…. oh my!

I show you how (by using ChatGPT or any AI you prefer) to turn that content into something amazingly grand:

🎁 Fun to read (I don’t know about you, but humor *always* makes things more:

🎁 Easy to understand (Imagine college-level material transformed into something *anyone* could internalize)?


🎁 You can sell it anywhere you’d like (WarriorPlus, JVzoo, Fiverr as a “I will Teach you” gig, Gumroad, Etsy, etc)!   (Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!)

 Just remember to keep hold of your socks because yep – the abilities will knock ’em off  (and yes, we’re in the process of updating the sales page to be ‘way more modern – thank you for your patience)!

(Oh, and the *best* part of it?  We provide for you our proprietary GEM -polisher – aka the series of prompts you can use to turn something that’s merely “Just the fax, ma’am, just the fax” into a truly amazingly fresh, exciting content collection.

Intrigued?  Well then, Check it out HERE!

And back to our regularly broadcasted goodness!

Have you ever found yourself dimming your shine?   Let me explain.  It could either be where you just don’t want to stand out because you’re embarrassed by your skills, OR you realize you don’t want to “rock the boat” when having serious discussions with folks important to you.

I was reminded of this a few weeks ago meself.   See, long long ago, probably around the time that London Bridge started to crumble due to ice in 1281, I had the great fortune of reading From Depression’s Darkness to the Light of Life: A Personal Journey by Pauline Longdon.  Let me tell you… it was literally a life-saver for me (for Reasons, I had 4 years of clinical depression – this book helped me on my journey *out* of it).

On thing I remembered quite vividly was zeroing in on exactly WHO I was mad at for certain thingees… and it turns out, I was mad at *myself*.   And almost a year ago, I made the promise to myself that never again would I accept disrespectful treatment from any extended family member.  Welp, it turns out that said belief was put to the test when I chose to perceive my spouse was being verbally attacked, and I stopped the conversation *cold*.

In other words, I took *back* my power.   NEVER underestimate quite how important such an action is – when you take back your power, you are basically refusing to accept any bullying, or gaslighting, or anything that would impact you negatively.

Remember:   you do NOT own what other people do, but you DO own your actions and reactions.

Remember:   you do NOT own what other people do, but you DO own your actions and reactions.

That way, you aren’t reduced to saying “She made me feel xyz!” or “He made me do abc!”

You are keeping *any* “hot buttons” you might have… hidden from those who might take advantage of them.

Good stuff!

Your takeaway?

You are *worthy* of taking *back* your power… starting today.   

Sure, it might be hard, and it might be scary, and it might take time to even consider doing it yourself.   But indeed – the rewards are SO worthwhile indeed.

Do you know people who are dealing with depression?   If so, why not reach out and ask them, might I do anything?  Empathy is a wonderful thing; you never know whose heart you might touch.  💖

And let’s dive into today!


🔥 The Current Special

The AI Gazillionaire (if you don’t eat, live, and breathe prompt engineering, this could be for you!)




👍 The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

Do YOU remember this trip down memory lane?

What else?   Let’s check out:


🌎 The Unexpected! 

Did you catch this goodie?



🍀 Cybersecurity in Under 7 Minutes!

This falls under… did you know?  

Nifty indeed!


And don’t forget:

Our Public Service Message: Beware The News!

Picture this: you create a viral video about a fossilized clam, and depending on the news outlet, the story spins in wildly different directions!  Is it a space alien?  Was it planted by Purple People Eater Peace?  Is its first cousin a Pet Rock?

Well… Want to see the media’s spin tricks in right before your eyes?  Visit  AllSides.com … or you can find every take simply by searching here

I’d like to encourage you to look into what *everyone* is saying, so you have knowledge of what’s being spread:

(aka… Media Bias)

And about business?

Our Other PSA!

You might NOT be a boomer (‘course, you might be)…

But you might be experiencing:

  • Anxiety/depression
  • Decrease in motivation (hello self!)
  • Increase in irritation due to the world’s current status
  • Physical/mental/emotional challenge

And that’s why you’re going to want to ensure you stay subscribed to me.

Because, unlike the VAST majority of marketers you’ll see out there…

I admit it when things go bad (as you can see above!  🙂 )

My health could be ‘way better, my drive could be ‘way better, heck… *I* could be way better!

But so long as there’s breath within my body… I will keep fighting.

Join me?  🙂

Remember, while reinventing, I’m going to section out my audience like so:

  • Beginners
  • Advanced
  • Folks going thru Anxiety/Depression/Growing Bolder/etc.

Stay tuned!


I’ll be moving the backend publication to another provider.

So pls let me know when you receive a duplicate. 

Finally, if you know anyone who might enjoy these newsletters, please feel free to forward this to them, and let them know they can sign up over HERE!

Thank you for enjoying my newsletters – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all these thrilling updates.

Grow strong,

Barb Ling, Virtual Coach and MamaBear
26-plus year Veteran Digital Marketer

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketingPioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of BarbaraLing.com
| she has taught beeeyons of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliateMarketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 80 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from every corner how to be successful
| on the Internet. And are you part of our rockin’
| new happenin’ marketingNmoose group?
| Perking Up Profeeets!
| >> https://facebook.com/groups/perkingUpProfits


Got questions?
I respond to every email sent! Happy to hear from you…. and remember:

Fortune Favors The Bold

Go out and make *yourself* fortunate, Today!