No College Walking Toured Body Positive Post 12/12/15

No College Walking Toured Body Positive Post 12/12/15

College walking tours and my cane – 2 separate distinct non-intersecting entities!

Honorable Daughter II had an Honors community interview today… so I drove up to Rutgers for the morning.

But!  Before that…. I spied some of the typical Body Beautiful posts in my community and was inspired to create:

Love who you are

Yep, that be my tummy right now…. and instead of holding in my breath, I’m letting it all hang out.

Thing is…

If my tummy was flatter, I’d still have the same beautiful personality…. but I’d bet more people would focus FIRST on the looks.

Ah well.

Anywhos!  ‘Twas an interesting time…..

Raising Cane

But the breakfast was grand:


And I crafted up this selfie too!

Personality matters

Took my kid to the Chinese buffet for lunch, came home, and unwound at the gym!

Unwinding at the gym

All in all, a good day.

And about that campus tour…


No way can I do that.

So I just waited for my kid to come back.

Remember…. just because you’re non optimal does NOT mean you have to be insane and try anyways.

Sure, I had parents look at me as they walked by….

But who cares.

I live my life by my choosing (well, ideally.  🙂  )

Grow strong,

Mama Bear