Mobile Marketing & Advertising Track at DMWF 2024: Meet the speakers

Mobile Marketing & Advertising Track at DMWF 2024: Meet the speakers

The 2024 Digital Marketing World Forum (DMWF 2024) Mobile Marketing & Advertising track features an impressive lineup of industry experts and thought leaders who will explore the latest trends and strategies in the mobile marketing space.

This track, which Mobile Marketing Magazine is the Official Editorial Partner of, promises to deliver valuable insights and practical strategies to help marketers navigate the rapidly evolving mobile marketing landscape.

But, who are the keynote speakers?

MarketingTech Editor In Chief, Duncan MacRae

MacRae will kick off the track with opening remarks, setting the stage for an engaging and insightful day.

Uber Head of Advertising International, Paul Wright 

Wright will explore how Uber leverages contextual data to create deeply engaging customer journeys, enhancing real-time interaction and brand loyalty.

READ MORE: DMWF 2024: Vodafone Global Creative Director to keynote

ConsultMyApp (CMA) Founder and CEO, Mike Rhodes

Rhodes will share strategies for building a sustainable growth model for mobile apps, focusing on long-term engagement and user retention.

Aviva Head of Digital & Paid Marketing, Andrew Fox

Fox will discuss the vital role of SEO in supporting comprehensive marketing strategies, emphasising how it enhances visibility and drives organic growth.

Yodel Mobile Strategy Growth Director Rishan Weerakoon and B&Q Mobile Apps Marketing Lead, Jennifer Warren 

The pair will reveal how B&Q’s app has become a central component of their omnichannel strategy, driving customer engagement and sales.

Criteo VP Government Affairs and Public Policy Nathalie Laneret & Advertising Standards Authority UK (ASA) CEO Guy Parker

In a fireside chat, Laneret and Parker will delve into the future of advertising, discussing how AI can enhance consumer trust and improve advertising standards.

Panel discussion: The age of mobile with the modern mobile consumer – trends, predictions & strategies

Panelists: Megan Dean (Yodel Mobile), Teddy Tepavicharova (Condé Nast), Eugene Kuznetsov (Holland & Barrett), Iain Russell (Moneyhub)

This panel will discuss emerging trends, predictions, and strategies for engaging today’s mobile consumer, providing a comprehensive overview of the mobile marketing landscape.

Panel discussion: Unforgettable impact: how overcoming the McNamara Fallacy will unlock your media budget’s true potential

Panelists: Emily Westworth (Samsung UK), Peter Grant (Boots UK), Alex Cheeseman (Outbrain), Seb Bardin (The Coca-Cola Company)

This session will examine how to maximise media budgets by avoiding common pitfalls and leveraging effective strategies.

Nespresso Mobile Product Lead, Jenniffer Camacho

Camacho will share insights on transforming Nespresso’s mobile commerce product, focusing on innovation and user experience enhancements.

READ MORE: Masterclassing speaker Jenniffer Camacho to keynote at DMWF

Panel discussion: Unveiling 2024 SEO trends and crafting holistic strategies for enhanced rankings

Panelists: Liraz Postan (BrainZ Digital), Ian Irving (BBC), Antonis Konstantinidis (Charlotte Tilbury), David Mason (Hostelworld), Andrew Fox (Aviva), Jessica Redman (Didgeheads)

This panel will explore the latest SEO trends for 2024 and provide strategies for crafting holistic approaches to improve search rankings.

For more details and the full agenda, visit the DMWF Global website.

Originally Appeared Here