Make Money With Your Personal Brand With These 5 Tools (Start Today)

Make Money With Your Personal Brand With These 5 Tools (Start Today)

Make money with your personal brand with these 5 tools (start today)

Mitchell Tan

Building a strong personal brand takes skill and hard work. But once you’ve done it, you open up options. You can build courses, secure sponsors or sign up freelance clients. You can run workshops, write books, sell digital products or consult by the hour. The opportunities are endless.

These 5 tools will help you earn money with your personal brand, in ways you hadn’t thought of. Make your plan, give them a try, and see what your audience goes for.

Personal brand tools for founders: monetize your audience today

Host better webinars with Demio

Do cool stuff, then teach other people how to do that same cool stuff. How do you teach them? With webinars, of course. Demio is taking webinars to the next level, with a focus on design and usability that other tools simply don’t have. Forget clunky interfaces and janky attendee features, your audience deserves better than that. Don’t just host webinars, personalize your landing pages, send professional-looking follow ups and dig into the analytics to keep making progress.

Spend more time planning and delivering your webinars and less time sorting the admin. Show up, share your wisdom, and leave people wanting more. Run free webinars to promote a high-ticket offer or charge for access to the webinar itself. Either way, this tool will set you up for success.

Create your entire funnel with FEA Create

If your audience isn’t turning into revenue, there’s a hole in your bucket. There’s probably several. A purpose-built funnel could be all that’s missing for you to turn your audience into megabucks. Deploy lead magnets, landing pages, and tailored email sequences that compel someone into buying. But don’t rely on learning this from scratch. Use tried-and-tested frameworks, templates and guidance from those in the know.

FEA Create is an all-in-one platform designed to replace ClickFunnels, Mailchimp, Calendly, WordPress, and more, saving you cash on subscriptions and earning you revenue. When you enter you’ll find templates for every type of campaign, to skip out the learning curve and make sales faster. Why do it the hard way?

Get paid for your time with Google Calendar

Even if you use Google Calendar, you probably don’t know about this money-making feature. With Google Calendar, members of your audience can pay you for your time. By creating an appointment booking page, they can select a slot and complete payment via Stripe. You simply turn up and provide your expertise.

Head into your Google Calendar’s advanced settings to turn this feature on. Share your link from your email signature, social media pages, or website contact page. Reduce the need for sales calls or emails back and forth and get paid with less hassle than ever before.

Manage LinkedIn DMs with Kondo

There are amazing connection opportunities waiting in your LinkedIn DMs, especially if you’re showing up on LinkedIn, sharing your ideas with the world and growing a following. But messages pile up quickly and your inbox gets messy. Enter Kondo, “Superhuman for LinkedIn.” This nifty app, built by bootstrapped builder Mitchell Tan, helps power users speed through DMs with reminders, folders, snippets and keyboard shortcuts.

If your LinkedIn inbox is a vortex, you’re leaving money on the table. Speedily sift away people selling you stuff and focus on conversations you actually value. Run successful outreach campaigns with the confidence that you’ll stay on top of important follow ups.

Earn quick commission with an Amazon influencer page

If you’ve built a large, engaged following, an Amazon influencer page might be a goldmine. An extension of the Amazon Associates affiliate program, you can earn commission on the purchases of your audience from your page. Set up your account, complete your details, then add the products you actually use or recommend to your personal shop front.

Link the page from your websites or social media and explain why you recommend those products. Or make videos to review them in detail. You don’t just earn commission when people buy those products, you take a cut of everything they buy from Amazon after clicking your link, until your cookies expire. There’s possibly no simpler way to earn passive income with a personal brand.

Make more impact with the same effort: grow your personal brand with these tools

Five tools to try today and see how much you can earn. Host better webinars with Demio, create your entire funnel with FEA Create, and get paid for your time with Google Calendar. Manage your LinkedIn DM opportunities with Kondo and get paid to recommend products with Amazon’s influencer program. You’ve done the hard work showing up for so long, now is where your personal brand makes you thousands.

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