💝 Day 77 of the Self Confidence Challenge – I recognize sometimes those voices distort what people say and what I in turn hear

Tell yourself today: I recognize sometimes those voices distort what people say and what I in turn hear.  Day 77 of the Self Confidence Challenge

Click HERE to join the Self Confidence Challenge! http://asksfi.com/scsGood morning!

Yesterday, we went over the fact that sometimes, you have little voices in your head (aka your fears and worries and negatives).

Today, let’s talk about one of the issues such things cause.

Move to:

Those little voices will sometimes distort what people say… and in turn, what you process.

To wit:


There’s a space between what people say to you… and what you choose to hear.

And those little voices can sometimes distort the messages so you get the wrong input.

You will eventually turn them into a positive, however.


Obligatory Steven Universe Goodness!  Episode 67, Friend Ship

Love this.  Pearl and Garnet are finally forced to make peach with each other.  SO powerful.

See for yourself:

Steven Universe Friend – Ship (Full Episode) by adambush722

Not to mention:



And if you want to get the lowdown on Steven Universe, check out my

Good stuff indeed.

So to recap everything imaginable….

When you listen with pre-conceived notions…. it almost always will backfire in the future.

You’ve got this…
