Is AI art real art? ‘Terror in the AIlien Realms’ review

Is AI art real art? ‘Terror in the AIlien Realms’ review

AI is a constant in today’s cinematic landscape. It was a big point of contention during both strikes that affected Hollywood in 2023, was brought up during the Academy Awards, and is even leading to backlash for one of 2024’s best received films. No matter what your opinion on the subject, it is a topic that is not going away anytime soon.

Terror in the Ailien Realms: Transdimensional Horror Movie Posters & Their Film Reviews is a book by filmmaker and artist Pat Tremblay that combines art and AI. Fueled by his love of the great VHS box art from the days when video rental stores were an essential part of life, Tremblay has created a series of horror movies posters. This is not just a simple homage to days of horror movies past, however. Each poster was created with the assistance of AI.

The idea will immediately turn many potential readers off. AI is a touchy subject that seems to be met with resistance more than understanding. Tremblay – an artist himself – has written about why people should be more understanding even when they are not completely receptive to the idea of AI art. This includes the idea that AI is not stealing or plagiarizing artists but using them for reference or inspiration, its similarities to pop art, and just the natural aversion people have to change.

It will take years and many examples before most of us will be able to have a fully developed opinion regarding AI art. Terror in the Ailien Realms is a great introduction into what can be done, however. Quite simply, the posters found in the book are simply amazing. Those who spent hours of their childhoods in the horror section at video stores will be amazed by what they see. From horror westerns to grindhouse to just straight up scary stuff, Tremlay’s project has it all.

Terror in the Ailien Realms is not just limited to those who have nostalgia. Many of the pictures are reminiscent of thumbnails seen on streaming channels. Some are outlandish while others have an arthouse quality to them. It is an interesting mix that makes each page interesting.

Adding to the fun are the fictional movie reviews that are included. Genre filmmakers, writers, and journalists participated in coming up with the write-ups. There are a bunch of neat entries and they also show what can be accomplished when AI is paired with human creativity. 

Is AI art actually art? Checking out 'Terror in the AIlien Realms'

But at the end of the day, it is the AI art that will garner the most attention. In a vacuum, Terror in the Ailien Realms: Transdimensional Horror Movie Posters & Their Film Reviews is an enjoyable item that genre fans should get a kick out of. On a grander scale, it provides a glimpse into the possibilities of AI art. It may not change opinions outright, but it will give people a lot to think about.

Terror in the Ailien Realms: Transdimensional Horror Movie Posters & Their Film Reviews is available to order now

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