Impact of sports on children’s intelligence in era of digital dominance

Impact of sports on children’s intelligence in era of digital dominance

In this emerging era of digital dominance, where playgrounds are more frequently replaced by screens, this one truth about the timeless value of sports in a child’s development shines brighter than ever.

With all the screens and gadgets in this world, playgrounds still exist as timeless arenas for children to have fun and unlock that investment.(HT File)

With all the screens and gadgets in this world, playgrounds still exist as timeless arenas for children to have fun and unlock that investment. Sports have a way of shaping the minds of the young with their own pulsating spirits.

A systematic review by MDPI analysed how physical activity (PA) influences academic performance, examining 19 studies with 6,788 participants. The review found that regular physical activity, particularly at moderate to vigorous intensities, was associated with improved academic outcomes. Sessions lasting 30-60 minutes were most effective. Importantly, the review concluded that physical activity does not detract from academic performance but can enhance it, especially when conducted regularly (MDPI).

Mind Over Matter: Cognitive Benefits of Sports

Sports participation can greatly improve cognitive abilities and help increase blood flow to the brain. Furthermore, sports involve strategic planning and quick decision-making, which makes children critical thinkers and good at problem-solving and analytical skills. In addition, the concentration and discipline required in sports lead to focused minds that lead to improved retention span, translating into better grades.

Strong Bodies, Sharp Minds: Physical Gains

Sports have many documented benefits in terms of physical health. Regular physical activity helps avoid obesity and related ailments. Posture perfect is an example of such advantages because it involves alignment issues, thus avoiding skeletal system disorders. Games involving running, jumping, or lifting promote strong and steady bone formation and body muscle formation, respectively.

Building Bridges: Social Skills

Sports are a powerful medium for developing vital social skills. Team sports especially generate a sense of unity amongst kids, helping them feel engaged and valued. Through sports, children become more street smart, hence developing better communication skills and improved interaction abilities with peers. In addition, playing team games emphasises the value of cooperation for success, teaching collaboration and coordination, and working towards common objectives that are important in day-to-day activities.

Winning with Wellness: Psychological Benefits

Sports have deep psychological effects. It is a natural stress buster that helps children cope effectively. Participation in sports has been associated with a mental health shield against the risk of depression and anxiety and general mental health improvement.

Growing Strong: Personal Development

Personal growth cannot be separated from sports. They impart essential virtues like perseverance, discipline, and patience necessary for attaining success. Sporting accomplishments enhance the self-esteem and confidence of achieving goals and milestones, making kids feel accomplished through realising their dreams. Besides, emotional intelligence also develops by engaging in sports which helps one learn how to manage emotions and reactions. In addition, such physical activity is an ideal means of removing stress since it helps young people live a balanced lifestyle characterised by good health.

Champions of Expansion: The Job of Guardians

Parents and guardians need to support and promote sporting activities among children. This enables their young ones to enjoy the benefits of sports when they are provided with opportunities, resources, and moral support in various physical activities. Involving parents actively in sports can make all the difference in getting the child to love sporting activities and become committed to healthy living through active participation.

A brighter future ahead

As a result, the sport has enormous impacts on the intelligence and general growth of children. From cognitive gains to physical health, social skills development, psychological well-being, and personal growth make it more holistic than anything else that promotes development. Encouraging kids to join sports is not only one way of preparing them for healthier lives but also equipping them with the abilities, qualities, and values required for success and complete life satisfaction. To ensure this happens, we must recognise the value of sports in children’s lives to help build a brighter future for generations yet to come.

In summary, there is substantial evidence to suggest that participation in sports and regular physical activity is beneficial for schoolchildren’s academic performance. Schools and policymakers are encouraged to integrate and support sports programs in the regular curriculum to promote physical and academic development.

(Author Ms Shylaja Menon is Principal, The Shri Ram Universal School, Bengaluru. Views expressed are personal.)

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