How To Make Money Fast in Medieval Dynasty

How To Make Money Fast in Medieval Dynasty

This guide will tell you how to make Money fast in Medieval Dynasty and explain how to make money with Farming, Crafting, Quests, and more!

The beginning of Medieval Dynasty is strongly focused on survival, but you’ll need more than just Food, Water, and shelter at the end of the day. You’re going to want to be able to buy supplies when you need them at Vendors and pay your Taxes to the King every year. Keep reading to learn how to make Money fast in Medieval Dynasty!

Best Way to Make Money Fast in Medieval Dynasty

The best way to make Money fast in Medieval Dynasty is by searching for treasure, abandoned camps, and lost shipments on the Map. Many of these locations have Coins, and all of them have items that you could sell to a Vendor.

Unfortunately, buried treasure doesn’t last forever. Once you’ve run out, your next best option for making Money fast is to Craft items to sell at a Workshop, Smithy, or other Crafting Building.

Medieval Dynasty Treasure Map

This treasure map shows all of the treasure we found in Medieval Dynasty Version Keep in mind that there are no guarantees that these exact items will be here due to the random nature of certain item spawns. You’ll also want to make sure that you have Events enabled, just to be safe.

How to Make Money in Medieval Dynasty

There are a lot of ways to make Money in Medieval Dynasty. Some of them won’t be accessible to you at the start of the game, so we’re going to explain how to do it in different situations.

How to Make Money at the Start of the Game

Making money when you’re just getting started can be a challenge. It’s probably easiest to search for abandoned wagons and other treasure near where you live. You can only Craft a limited number of items, and some of the best items to sell require Buildings such as the Workshop or Blacksmith. Personally, I recommend cutting down Trees and Crafting Wooden Spears.

You can also focus on completing some of the early Quests in Gostovia. This kills two birds with one stone — while you’re running around to complete these Quests, you can also search the area for treasure or other loot to pick up along the way!

How to Make Money with Exploration

Exploring the world of Medieval Dynasty gives you a lot of opportunities to make money. You can earn some Coins through random events, finding treasure, and harvesting useful items.

Let’s start with random events. Certain places on the map (such as roads) have a chance to spawn a wrecked cart or a lost shipment. These containers will often have Coins or items you can sell for Coins. (Of course, you can also find items that you’ll simply want to keep such as Food or a Bow!)

How to Make Money Fast in Medieval Dynasty - Barrels by the Side of a Lake

Next, you can find Coin in chests scattered around the map. I ran around exploring in a new game for a couple of hours and managed to snag 2,000 Coins!

Finally, you can harvest a bunch of items on your way to another town. You can grab dozens of Mushrooms, Berries, and more along the way and sell all of them when you get to your destination.

How to Make Money with Quests

Completing certain Quests can earn you a decent amount of Money. Dobroniega’s Story II can earn you hundreds of Coins along with some items that you can simply turn around and sell.

However, keep in mind that this is not always the case. Uniegost’s Story, for example, will actually require you to spend several thousand Coins to complete all of its objectives. As a general rule, side quests are more likely to help you earn some quick cash since they won’t have too many complex objectives.

How to Make Money with a Small Village

Once you’ve erected a few Buildings and moved some people in, you’ll have some new opportunities to make Money in Medieval Dynasty. For example, a properly-planned Farm can give you far more Food than you’d need to keep everyone fed for the year — you can simply sell the remainder at the nearest Town.

Don’t forget, Villagers can also be assigned to Crafting, too! You can have someone making Wicker Baskets all day while you focus on the more important projects. All you need to do is to grab the items from your storage and sell them.

How to Make Money with a Big Town

New opportunities will arise as your town gets larger and you progress through the game. One of the best options in the later game is the Market Stalls. These can essentially automate the generation of Coin as long as they’re properly stocked.

Of course, you’ll also gradually gain access to even more Crafting opportunities with new Buildings. Some of these Buildings (such as the Tavern) will allow you to make items that can fetch a decent chunk of change!

How to Make Money with the Herald

There’s one more way to make Money in Medieval Dynasty — or rather, to save it: the King’s Herald. Some of the Herald’s quests can reduce the amount of tax you have to pay for the rest of a particular King’s life. This can amount to hundreds of Coins in a bigger town!

Thanks for reading our guide on how to make Money fast in Medieval Dynasty. If you enjoyed it, why not check out our other guides below?

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