How generative AI paves the way for more contextualized and personalized DOOH campaigns

How generative AI paves the way for more contextualized and personalized DOOH campaigns

Explore how digital out of home advertising is evolving with generative AI, enabling dynamic, personalized campaigns, while enhancing engagement and ROI.

Digital out of home (DOOH) advertising is quickly becoming a major player in multichannel marketing campaigns. While it used to be just static billboards, DOOH has grown into a data-driven medium that can deliver very targeted messages to audiences at the right moment. This flexibility has made DOOH the fastest-growing advertising channel in 2023, even beating other media in ad spending.

Driving this transformation is generative AI (GenAI), a technology that is set to shift the way brands approach marketing. GenAI brings a new level of context, engagement and intelligence to DOOH campaigns, opening up exciting new possibilities. This translates into a better experience for consumers and a tangible increase in ROI for advertisers. Indeed, a survey conducted by the World Federation of Advertising indicated that 89% of marketers say generative AI improves productivity and efficiency.

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Understanding GenAI and its transformative impact on DOOH

GenAI represents a major advance on traditional AI, which focuses primarily on analyzing and categorizing existing data. GenAI goes further, autonomously creating new content – text, images, video – by learning from large quantities of data. In addition to content creation, it enables deeper insights into audiences, contextual trend analysis and the generation of strategic scenarios in real time.

In the context of DOOH, while traditional AI enabled the delivery of personalized, dynamic ads in real time based on data, GenAI offers a higher level of intelligence by generating personalized advertising strategies, responding to unique opportunities and optimizing campaign impact in ways that are currently unexplored. Instead of just responding to what happens, GenAI can predict and suggest creative ideas based on what it’s learned, which leads to real innovation in how we design and run campaigns.

This ability to make messages relevant to the situation and personalize them, while also automating the creation of strategic scenarios, helps brands get the most out of their DOOH campaigns. Besides making content more relevant, automation with GenAI cuts production costs and speeds up campaign implementation, which significantly improves the return on investment.

Exploring the potential of GenAI in DOOH campaign strategies

As DOOH expands, advertisers are challenged to create personalized, data-driven strategies that resonate in different contexts.

GenAI can assist with these challenges through the automation of tasks, the analysis of data, and the generation of insights for the purpose of media planning. This allows advertisers to tailor campaigns to specific audience segments, optimize digital screens selection, and incorporate contextual data, such as location-based insights or audience behavior. This approach helps create more targeted and impactful campaigns that adapt to real-time factors.

Displayce has recently introduced CampaignAI, a generative AI-powered smart assistant designed to automate the creation of personalized DOOH media strategies from a campaign brief. This intelligent tool suggests optimal DOOH scenarios, incorporating data such as audience behavior, location insights, and contextual elements. CampaignAI is positioned as a strategic assistant, offering scenarios designed to maximize campaign effectiveness.

Although the industry frequently discusses the potential of AI, few companies have dedicated resources to exploring this field in a systematic and practical manner. CampaignAI represents an initial step in this direction; our objective is to enhance our AI capabilities by integrating media-specific data, creative assets, advertisers, and targeting information, thereby unlocking the full potential of programmatic DOOH. We believe that GenAI, when applied to media planning, represents a significant opportunity to optimize DOOH usage.

To find out more, visit our website here.

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