Gamelight Effect: Sparking Growth in the Rewarded UA Industry

Gamelight Effect: Sparking Growth in the Rewarded UA Industry

Rewarded user acquisition (UA) has been around for over 10 years and has been a secondary strategy in the mobile gaming industry — an alternative channel used by companies to diversify their user acquisition portfolios. It was often considered an additional, rather than essential part of the broader marketing mix. However, the landscape has dramatically shifted since Gamelight entered the picture. 

Gamelight’s innovative approach to the rewarded UA has played a pivotal role in elevating this model from a secondary option to a primary growth driver for game publishers worldwide, both those who monetise through in-app purchases (IAP) and those who rely on ad monetisation (IAA).

The success of Gamelight has not gone unnoticed. It inspired new startups to emerge with rewarded apps and many established ad companies to launch their own rewarded products. These companies saw the potential and followed suit, reshaping the industry landscape.

Companies Following in Gamelight’s Footsteps

As Gamelight demonstrated the vast potential of rewarded marketing, more and more companies began to explore this approach. Smaller firms and startups have launched their own rewarded apps, aiming to capture a share of the growing market. 

As more companies adopt and innovate within the rewarded industry, the entire ecosystem benefits, driving further advancements and opportunities for growth.

Gamelight has played a significant role in making iOS a standard presence in the rewarded space as well. Previously, iOS had only a small, complementary share among rewarded channels, but thanks to Gamelight’s influence, it has now become a widely offered option by many companies. More companies have adopted Gamelight’s product model and pursued similar approaches in their own offerings.

Rewarded Channels as a Primary UA Source

Gamelight’s success has been instrumental in building a thriving rewarded UA ecosystem. As the industry continues to grow, their platform remains at the forefront, providing gaming advertisers with the tools and insights they need to succeed. 

Many mobile gaming companies have shifted to focusing almost entirely on rewarded channels, investing most of their budgets into these strategies. This change is fueled by the high-quality users and better retention rates that rewarded UA delivers compared to traditional methods, helping companies attract genuinely loyal and engaged players. 

Gamelight’s impact has been a game-changer, redefining industry standards and setting a new benchmark for user acquisition. 

Gamelight is committed to further advancing this model, ensuring that its partners—and the industry at large—benefit from its innovations. The rise of the rewarded industry marks a significant shift in mobile marketing, and Gamelight is proud to be the driving force behind this transformation.

The Gamelight Advantage

Gamelight’s platform analyses user behaviour, app usage, and demographic data to create detailed user profiles. This allows for highly personalised game recommendations that align with individual preferences, boosting engagement and satisfaction. The platform’s model further rewards users by offering bonuses for gameplay duration and milestones, which can be exchanged for gift cards and vouchers, thereby maximising retention and fostering loyalty.

What truly sets Gamelight apart is its ability to deliver users at scale. Gamelight has quickly emerged as the largest rewarded channel, surpassing other competitors in a short period of time.

The AI algorithm’s precision targeting ensures that users are presented with games they are most likely to enjoy and engage with, leading to higher retention rates and increased lifetime value (LTV). By focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as ROAS, LTV, and long-term retention, Gamelight’s platform consistently delivers outstanding results, giving its partners a distinct edge in user acquisition and revenue generation.

Conclusion: The Future of Rewarded Models

In this article, we’ve explored how Gamelight has revolutionised the rewarded marketing landscape, turning it from a niche strategy into a critical component of mobile game marketing: 

  • Rewarded user acquisition (UA) has evolved into an essential strategy in mobile gaming, driven by Gamelight’s innovative approach.
  • Gamelight’s AI-powered platform has redefined how game publishers engage users, leading to higher retention and lifetime value (LTV).
  • The success of Gamelight has inspired a surge in rewarded apps, expanding the ecosystem and validating the effectiveness of this model.
  • This growth is seen as a positive development by Gamelight, encouraging further innovation across the industry.
  • As the rewarded UA field continues to grow, Gamelight remains a leader, shaping the future of mobile game marketing and driving success for its partners.

With its ongoing advancements, Gamelight is set to remain a key player in the evolving landscape of rewarded user acquisition, paving the way for future industry breakthroughs.

Originally Appeared Here