Eight Smart Digital Marketing Moves To Boost E-Commerce Success

Eight Smart Digital Marketing Moves To Boost E-Commerce Success

There’s no doubt that the internet has fundamentally changed the way consumers shop. In fact, Nasdaq research estimates that 95 percent of all products will be purchased via the internet by 2040. That means more and more businesses taking an e-commerce approach, and more and more competition companies will have to contend with in the online space.

For those businesses already online, there are steps you can take now to begin improving your site’s overall experience and building more customer loyalty. Here, eight business leaders from Rolling Stone Culture Council each discuss one smart digital marketing move e-commerce businesses can make to improve their overall success in an increasingly competitive market and why they’ll help ensure your success now and in the future.

Use a Familiar Tone in Texts to Customers

Progressive e-commerce companies use SMS to connect with customers, but often poorly. Impersonal, transactional texts are common, but effective SMS requires a unique voice and value. We encourage clients to use a familiar tone, giving customers insight into the people and processes behind the business. This builds brand affinity and humanizes brands, helping them stand out among competitors. – Mike Donoghue, Subtext

Focus on UX and Search Engine Visibility

E-commerce businesses must enhance their user experience and search engine visibility above all. Leverage a native e-commerce menu (rather than a third-party iframe or widget) and SEO for product listings. Improving navigation and using relevant keywords makes it easier for customers to find products, increasing traffic, engagement and conversion rates, ultimately boosting your overall success. – Dan Serard, Cannabis Creative Group

Leverage User-Generated Content

Leverage user-generated content (UGC) across marketing channels. Like customer reviews, photos and social media posts, UGC builds trust and authenticity with potential customers. Seeing actual consumers using your products is more persuasive than traditional advertising, creating a sense of community and social proof that drives sales and brand loyalty. – Kristin Marquet, Marquet Media, LLC

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Lean Into Email Marketing

Email marketing is the only tried-and-true digital marketing method a brand can truly control. You decide what gets in front of your audience’s eyes and when, and what call to action you want to prompt. Of course, there’s no controlling the reader side, but it is far more predictable than other algorithm-driven digital marketing methods. Email still works, and it works well. Stick with it! – Scott Curran, Beyond Advisers

Research Your Audience to Personalize Content

One smart digital marketing move for e-commerce success is deeply understanding your target customers and tailoring strategies accordingly. Research your market, analyze data and create buyer personas. Use insights to craft personalized content and offers that resonate with each segment’s needs. Targeting the right audiences with relevant messaging improves engagement, conversions and loyalty. – Dylan Fusco, Kamoti

Build a Memorable Brand

Have a brand that people know and remember. In a crowded e-commerce space, you need to stand out on more than just price or frictionless checkout. You need a reason for people to care, and in an era of performance marketing and programmatic advertising, and most efficient click, companies have forgotten that a brand not only helps but lowers overall customer acquisition costs and increases lifetime value. – Jason Peterson, GoDigital Media Group


Reengage Your Existing Customers

Avoid solely focusing on gaining new audiences. It’s as essential to reengage your existing consumers as it is to acquire new ones. Show you value your loyal customer base by highlighting user-generated content, feedback and engagement, which is reshared both within and outside your immediate digital community. – Cynthia Johnson, Bell + Ivy

Build Authority Through Content Marketing

One smart digital marketing move for my digital products includes content marketing through social media, expert blogs, videos and providing brief education. This positions me as a trusted authority, driving organic traffic, loyalty and engagement to my platforms. – Sonia Singh, Center of Inner Transformations

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