Cannes Lions 2024: Industry experts reveal top priorities

Cannes Lions 2024: Industry experts reveal top priorities

Mobile Marketing Magazine asks industry experts about the key themes that should take priority as they prepare for the biggest celebration in marketing, Cannes Lions.

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LG Ad Solutions CMO, Tony Marlow

“With sports solidifying its position in streaming environments, and new ad opportunities opening up like the Home Screen for advertisers, we expect CTV to be a hot topic amongst advertisers at Cannes this year.

“The festival will serve as a crucial platform for exploring these trends and shaping the future of creative advertising in the connected TV landscape.”

Vidmob, EVP Global Accounts, Lisa Rowley

“Cannes is undergoing a style shift. Previously, its main focus was discussing beautiful ads made by inspiring brands while reveling on luxury yachts and sipping rosé. Now it seems this jet-setter image is evolving with changing industry priorities.

“For example, as sustainability awareness grows, many key players are swapping party boats for lower-carbon suites and villas. Likewise, an increased efficiency drive has also seen panels and networking events leaning towards more practical consideration of how to ensure those beautiful ads do their job better with less waste by using refined creative data to optimise media decisioning and creative power.

“Additionally, the honeymoon period of peak artificial intelligence (AI) hype seems to be dying down. Companies that spent much of last year talking about the need to prepare for a looming AI boom and get ahead of the game by testing advanced tech have since made smart use of AI. Now they’re determining how to get more bang for their technology investment bucks by using advanced solutions in a way that benefits their productivity levels efficiently and sustainably.”

AppsFlyer SVP and General Manager – Privacy Cloud, Edik Mitelman

“As retail media has established its position as an advertising force, conversations are shifting from growth to how embracing data, creativity and a customer focus will drive longer term success in the space. Better access to rich first-party data and behavioural insights about shopper habits and preferences is evidently powering new levels of personalisation and an increasing need for streamlined data collaboration.

“Alongside this, the blurring of the lines between brand-building and performance advertising is providing advertisers the opportunity to engage audiences across their entire customer journey seamlessly and in one place.

“On top of eradicating long-standing silos and paving the way for a more personalised and integrated approach to advertising, this transformation is fuelling the need for cohesive storytelling to ensure truly effective and consistent engagement. Cannes will have a big focus on how brands are embracing innovation and redefining traditional advertising approaches in response to this.”

LoopMe , CEO & Founder, Stephen Upstone

“Even as we emerge from the cost-of-living crisis, the advertising industry is faced with the challenges of navigating a world of conflict and political upheaval. While AI offers exciting opportunities, many of the discussions at Cannes this year will revolve around how best to learn about and utilise this new technology quickly in order to remain competitive. Challenges around identity and data governance also persist.

“CTV will be another big talking point; the industry is at a crossroads where digital and CTV represent both the present and future of advertising. Those that can harness AI and data-driven insight to inform their creativity will be the ones to win out.”

LG Ad Solutions VP of Europe, Ed Wale

“This year we are excited to chat with brands about how the role of the OEM in the industry is evolving and what that means for them. In a highly fragmented CTV ecosystem, we see ourselves sitting across all the players (advertisers, viewers, and content publishers) and can really help them ensure they have a strategy that is reaching audiences no matter where they are viewing content in the CTV ecosystem.”

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