best email marketing automation tools for eCommerce

best email marketing automation tools for eCommerce


Email marketing automation employs mass email to attract potential customers to brands. If the business goal is to reach more people in an effective, direct, and economical way, implementing this resource (and including it in the digital strategy) becomes fundamental.

However, the market is very extensive, and to help you find the option that best suits your needs, we have created a list of the 13 best email marketing tools based on the evaluation of 40 industry experts (among them, we highlight the sponsored options from Marketing4eCommerce partners, shaded and marked with ⭐) and is part of our Ecommtech Guide 2024, which you can download for free in Spanish.

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These are the 13 best email marketing automation tools for your eCommerce:

  1. Easymailing ⭐
  2. Hubspot
  3. Connectif
  4. Klaviyo
  5. Sales manago
  6. Intuit Mailchimp
  7. ActiveCampaign
  8. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (Pardot)
  9. Selligent
  10. Active Trail
  11. Brevo
  12. Acumbamail
  13. Mailrelay

Easymailing is an email marketing automation platform designed to simplify and enhance the marketing strategies of eCommerce businesses. With a simple and intuitive interface, it allows users to efficiently create and automate email campaigns. Additionally, it offers personalized support in Spanish to ensure a seamless experience.

It also provides direct integration with WordPress and the possibility of creating custom integrations through its API. Among its features, we highlight: responsive and customizable templates and forms, campaign management, collection and analysis of statistics, automatic email sending whenever new content is added to your website, welcome message sending, abandoned cart recovery, and the ability to share the results of your email marketing campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, and in your RSS feed for a 360 strategy, among other features.


  • Year founded: 2020
  • Country: Spain

HubSpot offers an all-in-one solution where you can create and publish blog posts, create landing pages, send mass emails, and more.

Its offering includes all the tools and integrations customers need for marketing, sales, content management, customer service, and operations. With Marketing Hub, you can bring together tools and sales teams on a single platform to organize tasks and optimize results.

  • Year founded: 2006
  • Country: USA

Connectif is a platform specialized in eCommerce. It helps stores increase their sales by personalizing the customer journey across various channels such as email, web, recommendations, push notifications, and A/B/X testing, in real-time and with the help of artificial intelligence.

It features a native API that integrates with your eCommerce platform in less than fifteen minutes, automatically synchronizing all user, browsing, and sales data.

  • Year founded: 2018
  • Country: Spain

This tool allows you to combine unlimited customer data with over 350 integrations to automate personalized communications via SMS and email.

It generates a comprehensive database with customer profiles, transactions, browsing history, support tickets, website events, and SMS, all updated in real-time for ultra-fast segmentation.

It offers a 60-day free trial that includes technical support, sending up to 500 emails, and 250 contacts.

  • Year founded: 2012
  • Country: USA

This project offers functionalities such as: RFM analysis and automation of campaign and customer data, automated mobile marketing, a product recommendation engine based on user behavioral and transactional preferences, Facebook Ads integration, website visitor tracking, an automated sales chat, dynamic and customizable web content, among others.

It offers three subscription plans: Growth, Professional, and Enterprises, with rates adjusted according to each client’s needs.

  • Year founded: 2011
  • Country: Poland

Intuit Mailchimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms in the world, as it is quite simple to use, offers various free features, and has over 300 integrations.

It provides a wide variety of email templates and allows you to create your own with the help of a creative assistant that even shows you designs based on your brand.

It enables A/B testing, creating pop-up forms, making landing pages, intelligent email sending, analysis, and visualization of statistics and reports, among many other functionalities.

  • Year founded: 2001
  • Country: USA

ActiveCampaign is a Customer Experience Automation platform that offers a library with hundreds of pre-designed automations combining email marketing, marketing automation, CRM, and machine learning for powerful cross-channel orchestration, segmentation, and personalization.

Although you do not need to have design or web development knowledge, you will need to follow a series of steps and watch some tutorials to create an advanced email marketing circuit. Once you sign up, you enable site tracking, import and segment your contacts, create an automation, and, if desired, you can create and manage your sales funnel.

It integrates with over 870 different apps, including CRM software, landing pages, content management systems like WordPress, integration tools like Zapier, and eCommerce stores like Shopify. It offers four subscription plans, ranging from €7.35/month to €136.07/month. The functionalities of each plan vary depending on the type of business: eCommerce, B2B, B2C.

  • Year founded: 2003
  • Country: USA

Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, formerly known as Pardot, is a B2B marketing automation platform from Salesforce that offers various tools such as lead generators, creation of landing pages and custom forms, personalized email sends, search campaigns (integrating a Salesforce account with a Google AdWords account), personalization of the customer purchase experience, generation of reports calculating return on investment (ROI), and more.

It offers four different plans starting from €1,250 per month.

  • Year founded: 2006
  • Country: USA

Selligent Marketing Cloud enables large B2C brands to engage consumers through email, mobile services, social media, web, and print. Designed for marketers, the platform handles everything from data management and omnichannel communication to behavioral retargeting. Powered by rule-based logic and enhanced with AI-based machine learning, the software creates hyper-personalized experiences that improve engagement levels and ROI results.

  • Year founded: 2008
  • Country: Belgium

ActiveTrail stands out for its powerful editor and ease of use, with predefined templates to create professional email campaigns, pop-ups, SMS sending, and abandoned cart recovery via WhatsApp.

You can try it for free for 30 days. After that, plans start at €8/month for unlimited email sending to up to 500 contacts (Special offer of up to 50% discount with the code joinus50).

  • Year founded: 2004
  • Country: Israel

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) is an all-in-one SaaS solution for relational marketing. According to their website, the name change reflects their evolution from an email marketing tool to a comprehensive CRM platform. It offers a cloud-based software package that includes email marketing, marketing automation, list management, landing pages, Facebook ads, chat, retargeting, SMS and WhatsApp campaigns, free CRM, among other features.

Founded in France, the company has over 500,000 customers worldwide and is available in 6 languages, including Spanish.

Unlike other solutions like Mailchimp, Brevo offers unlimited contacts even in its free version and makes it easier to comply with GDPR thanks to advanced contact and consent management, servers located in France, and multiple list registration forms.

  • Year founded: 2012
  • Country: France

Acumbamail was founded in 2012 as a tool that allowed its customers to generate newsletters and send transactional emails and SMS in a simple and intuitive way through an easy-to-use interface. With its email sending automations, you can create flows so that emails are sent only to subscribers who meet one or more conditions, based on their interactions with your campaigns. It also allows mass mailing to the entire subscriber list and enables you to create the campaign that best suits your goals: newsletters, RSS, automatic autoresponders, A/B testing, and more.

It features 850 customizable responsive templates, a drag & drop email editor, landing pages and forms, integrations with Analytics, WordPress, Prestashop, Shopify, WooCommerce, Facebook, and Zapier, mass SMS campaign sending and SMS API for integration into your application, transactional email sending, and 24/7 customer service and support.

Regarding pricing, you can choose the option that suits you best: pay according to the number of subscribers you have or according to the monthly sends you make. Plan prices start at €21/month (up to 20,000 monthly sends). It also offers a lifetime free plan with up to 250 subscribers and 2,000 sends.

  • Year founded: 2013
  • Country: Spain

Mailrelay is one of the email marketing tools that can help you both define your goals and analyze the results of your campaign to adjust strategies. It offers KPIs such as the number of subscribers who open the email and click, as well as data on the hours, days, and geographic locations of these interactions, among many other metrics.

This Spanish tool, created in 2001, features a very simple newsletter editor, its own IPs and algorithms to improve email deliverability, contact segmentation, testing, and sending automations.

With its free version, you can send up to 80,000 emails per month for free, manage up to 20,000 contacts, create newsletters, send mailings, manage and analyze your list, among other functions. The pricing varies based on the number of monthly sends, starting from €48 for every hundred thousand emails.

  • Year founded: 2004
  • Country: Spain

Other tools you should also know about

It would be unfair not to mention other email marketing automation tools that are also very good, comprehensive, and useful, and that might be the solution to your needs. Therefore, we list below, in alphabetical order, all those you should know about: Acrelia, Aweber, Benchmark, Braze, Campaign Monitor, Carts Guru, Cheetah Digital, Constant Contact,,, Doppler, Drift, e-Goi, Efor, eMailChef, GetResponse, Getshow, Houzz Pro, Icontact, LeadBi, Mad Mimi, MailerLite, Mailjet, Mailmodo, Mailmunch, Mailpro, Marketo, MDirector, Neored, Omnisend, Oracle, Perfit, Probance, Rapidmail, Sabarcane (formerly Mailify), SendGrid, Sendpulse, Splio, Spotler, Tripolis (formerly Webpower), and Vertical Response.

Image: ChatGPT and Canva.


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