Back-to-School Safety Tips for Drivers

Back-to-School Safety Tips for Drivers

By the Mercury Team

As summer winds down and the school bells start ringing again, it’s time for drivers to shift gears and focus on safety. With school zones bustling with activity, buses back on their routes, and more young pedestrians and cyclists on the roads, staying vigilant behind the wheel is more important than ever. In this blog, we’ll go over some back-to-school driving safety tips that can help everyone get to their destination safely.

General Back-to-School Safety Tips for Drivers

Here are some general driving safety tips to consider as school gets back into session:

Adjusting Your Commute

Back-to-school season means the roads are getting busier as parents, buses, and teen drivers all head to the same destination. Try leaving your house a little earlier than usual to have extra time to get to work or drop off the kids. This also gives you a buffer for any unexpected delays.

Avoiding Distractions

Staying focused on the road is always a must, but it’s especially important during the back-to-school season when the streets are filled with young pedestrians and cyclists. Distracted drivers pose a risk to everyone, so put your phone away and resist the urge to text while driving. Before you start your journey, take a moment to set up your GPS. If you have passengers, kindly ask them to keep noise levels down so you can concentrate on driving safely.

Speed Limit and School Zones

Be extra vigilant when driving through these areas, even if it seems like no one is around. Speeding in a school zone can result in hefty fines, but more importantly, it puts young lives at risk. Always be on the lookout for flashing lights, crossing guards, and reduced speed limit signs, and adjust your speed accordingly.

Back-to-School Driving Safety Tips

Let’s look at back-to-school driving safety tips to ensure you don’t have a pedestrian-vehicle collision.

Watch for Pedestrians and Cyclists

Kids can be unpredictable, especially when they’re excited or distracted on their way to and from school. Pay special attention to crosswalks and bike lanes, as these are common areas where children might suddenly appear. Always slow down and be prepared to stop when you see pedestrians or cyclists, especially in school zones.

School Drop-Off and Pick-Up

School drop-off and pick-up areas can be chaotic, but following some simple guidelines can keep everyone safe. Avoid double parking or blocking traffic, as this can create dangerous situations for both drivers and pedestrians. Stay patient, keep an eye out for children darting between cars, and never use your phone while in these areas. If possible, consider carpooling to reduce congestion in these areas.

Bus Stop Safety

Know the school bus stop sign rules. This isn’t just for the safety of the children getting on and off the bus — it’s the law. Always stop at least 20 feet away from the bus and remain stopped until the bus resumes motion or the driver signals it’s safe to proceed. Additionally, be mindful of children crossing the street or running to catch the bus. They can be harder to see and might not always be aware of the traffic around them.

Obeying Crossing Guards

A crossing guard’s job is to ensure that children cross safely, and by obeying them, you’re playing a part in protecting our community’s youngest members. When they step into the street with their stop sign raised, that’s your cue to brake, even if you don’t see any children crossing yet. They have a better view of the area and are trained to anticipate when kids will cross.

Understanding School Zone Signage

School zone signs are like the rulebook for driving near schools, and knowing them is key to keeping everyone safe. Let’s look at some common ones:

  • “School Zone” sign: This sign typically marks the beginning of a school zone. Be extra cautious, reduce your speed, and watch for children crossing the street or walking along the road.
  • Flashing yellow lights: When you see flashing yellow lights, slow down to the posted speed limit, even if you don’t see any children around.
  • Pedestrian crossing signs: These signs indicate that you’re approaching a crosswalk students frequently use. Always be prepared to stop, and never pass a vehicle that has stopped at a crosswalk, as children may be crossing.
  • “No Parking” or “No Stopping” zones: These signs are placed in areas where stopping or parking could obstruct the view of crossing children or block traffic flow. Respect these zones to help keep the area around the school safe and clear.

Teen Driving Safety

Handing over the car keys to your teen can be nerve-wracking, but these teenage driver safety tips can make the transition smoother and give you peace of mind:

Educating Your Teen Driver

Start by having regular chats about safe driving habits. These conversations shouldn’t feel like lectures, but rather open discussions where your teen feels comfortable asking questions. When driving to and from school, set clear rules and expectations. Maybe that means no passengers for the first few months or a strict “no phone” policy while driving. Whatever rules you decide on, make sure they’re clear and consistent.

Navigating Peer Pressure

Driving can be a social experience for teens, which often means dealing with peer pressure. Talk to your teen about resisting distractions from friends in the car and making responsible decisions while driving. Encourage them to speak up if they feel uncomfortable or distracted, and remind them that their safety — and the safety of their passengers — comes first.

Emergency Preparedness

While we hope our teens never face a driving emergency, it’s best to be prepared. Teach them how to handle common issues like a flat tire, what to do if they’re involved in an accident, or how to react if their car breaks down. Also, make sure they have a basic emergency kit in the car, including items like a flashlight, jumper cables, and a first aid kit.


As the back-to-school season gets underway, these driving safety tips can help ensure a smooth, safe experience for everyone on the road.

And while you’re doing your part on the road, make sure your vehicle is covered with the right auto insurance. At Mercury, we understand that safe driving deserves recognition, which is why we offer a range of auto insurance discounts to help you save. Whether you’re looking for cheap auto insurance or just want to ensure you have the coverage you need, Mercury has you covered.

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