Apparently Instagram can’t tell the difference between Photoshop and AI

Apparently Instagram can’t tell the difference between Photoshop and AI

Whether we like it or not, AI is taking over the online sphere. The good news is that apps like TikTok and Instagram are taking a stand, introducing labels for AI-generated content – the bad news is, they don’t work particularly well. 

AI art generators are getting slicker and harder to detect so I’m all for a bit of online transparency, but it seems that Instagram’s ‘Made with AI’ label might be a little trigger-happy. Even content with the smallest of Photoshop tweaks seems to be branded with the cursed label, causing concern among creatives who feel their work is being wrongly accused. 

Post by @yantastic

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Users have flagged the term “digital creation”, criticising the vagueness of the term in Instagram’s policy. (Image credit: Instagram Help Centre)

Instagram introduced AI Labeling similar to TikTok from r/StableDiffusion

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