2/2/14 – Super Bowl, FB, Sleep, more!

2/2/14 – Super Bowl, FB, Sleep, more!

You saw it here first.


In Alaska….

And Alabama….

Although that was more pointy.

See for yourself!

Can you believe those abandoned cars?

I’m writing this around 10am or so – I have a hugely massive low-grade headache and am sooo looking forward to resting and relaxing today!   Will be increasing my Big Game Power Profits product at  http://askbling.com/bgpp at 6pm today – it’s now on both my site, JVzoo and the Warrior forum.   Reviews have been grand and I’ve taught myself bunches that I’ll be sharing with my Mastermind!

Speaking of said mastermind at http://askbling.com/btlace , I shared all the behind the scenes stories about this Super Bowl product.  What an adventure!!  Good news is, I’m building up a process/templates/etc. that have never been done before…. so yet again, I’m the pioneer.  Being the first at something…. rocks!

And it’s the Marching Band!  Okay, the Superbowl.  Have you created any products for that?   I did at http://askbling.com/biggamej !  And the best thing is, the concept is evergreen….. nice!

Today I am AM remding you about a product!  And if you are releasing a product, let us know!  And while I specialize in Authority Marketing, I do NOT focus on beer Magnet Marketing in Magnet, Nebraska!  Greetings all Magnet NE Magnet marketers, you shine!

Today is National Girls and Women in Sports Day !  https://www.womenssportsfoundation.org/en/home/advocate/ngwsd   !  Robin Lee is a grand person to follow about that – her womans marketing site is at http://imshero.com/ .  Plus, she’s organizing the event Women in IM in Reno, NV this April – http://askbling.com/imrockstars – good stuff!

Today’s Authority News:

Local Super Bowl Marketing – things you can do today!

Tomorrow’s Inspiring Quote:

“Work until your idols become your rivals.” 

Have a great day!


Grow strong,

Barbara Ling