1/28/14 – Bogus FB Accounts, Superbowl Marketing, VAs, more!

1/28/14 – Bogus FB Accounts, Superbowl Marketing, VAs, more!

You saw it here first.

Good morning!

Facebook accounts.

That are fake.

An app that detects them!

Kinda sorta maybe?

Be sure to read my take.  Yup.  I don’t think so.

I’m writing this around 11am – spent this morning creating a  Super Bowl Authority product (stay tuned!) and then went to the gym to embrace the iron.  Even if my health ‘taint perfect….. you can never go wrong, going to the gym!

And in my Mastermind at http://askbling.com/btlace which is now closed, we’re talking about ways to use the Warrior Forum, JVzoo and one’s own site for boosting one’s bottom line.   Good stuff indeed!

Plus… don’t forget that yesterday, I scored you a $50 off coupon for Melissa Ingold’s Train Your VA:

  • VA50

at http://askbling.com/trainva –  it’s only good for 2 days and teaches you how to train your Virtual Assistant so your bottom line increases in ways you’ve never considered.

Nice!  It closes soon.

And it’s 5 days before Marching Band!  Okay, the Superbowl.  Have you created any products for that?   It’s definitely going to be a popular topic for the next 5 days!

Today I am NOT releasing a product but oh I am so close!  If you are releasing a product, let us know!  And while I specialize in Authority Marketing, I do NOT focus on Superbowl Marketing in Seattle, Washington. .  Greetings all Seattle Washington Super Bowl marketers, you shine!

Today is Thank A Plugin Developer Day!  Especially if said plugin works!   http://wordpress.org/news/2009/01/thank-a-plugin-developer-day/

Love me plugins that work!!!!!

Today’s Authority News:

Amazingly simple graphics design resource (free to low cost!)

Tomorrow’s Inspiring Quote:

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde

Have a great day!


Grow strong,

Barbara Ling