Ecommerce Marketing Tips 2024 | Ecommerce Fastlane

Ecommerce Marketing Tips 2024 | Ecommerce Fastlane

Marketing is one of the key elements of any eCommerce business’s success. If customers don’t know how to find your store, it’s no use having a perfected online experience. Let’s take a look at what some of the best marketing tips are in 2024, which can help you increase engagement, ensure sales and grow your business.

Gather First Party Data

As data privacy laws intensify and move towards protecting consumer interests, the ways that companies interact with data is changing. Rather than third party data being the norm, first party data should be preferred. 

A key focus of your marketing strategy in 2024 should be on how to collect first-party data. Quizzes, surveys, questionnaires and other incentives should help inform your marketing strategy. Find out what the customers want from the customers themselves.

Through offering exclusive content, discounts or products to customers who share their email addresses you can find ways to market whilst still protecting data. The more transparent you are, the higher customer satisfaction will be. Shoppers want to feel respected and valued, it will keep them coming back to you.

Engage With Audiences

Whilst keeping in the theme of data protection, you can consider creating audience segments. Through using click-profile data, you can understand customer behavior without compromising any data infringement laws. 

Using click-profile data helps create personalized marketing for first time or anonymous visitors. Through understanding behavior and intent, you can create customer segments that can inform superior email and SMS marketing. Companies like Attentive and Klaviyo utilize this to their advantage.

Make Your Values Clear

More and more shoppers are interested in spending their money with companies that reflect their values. If your business isn’t already, make sure that your shoppers know what you as a company stand for.

Mission statements on your website, as well as pledges can help your marketing greatly. Sustainable consumerism makes all the difference. This can apply to packaging, for example. If the packaging is appealing and sustainable, this will attract new customers to your site.

Create A Social Media Strategy

One of the main ways that marketing operates these days is via social media. If you don’t already have a social media marketing strategy in place, now is the time to invest. So many users discover brands and products via this avenue.

Your social media marketing should be holistically aligned with the other areas of marketing you engage in; whether this is email, SMS, physical or events based. Make sure your brand is clearly identifiable; this will continue to help you down the line.

Email Or SMS?

Email and SMS are two of the main avenues for marketing, and you need to decide which one to invest in. Of course, you can also invest in both. There are different reasons to invest in email or SMS marketing.

SMS these days has an advantage, as the rise of M-Commerce is continuous. More people spend more time on their phones. However, if not done well, then shoppers can be frustrated by SMS marketing that does not engage and excite them. For this reason, marketing should always be expertly executed.

Be Creative

When outreaching, you want to make sure that shoppers appreciate the marketing they receive. Personalization is key here, as well as exciting and fun content. Take a leaf out of influencers books; what do your shoppers want to see?

The worst thing you can do is appear in someone’s inbox with a message they are frustrated by. This will create a negative brand image; the opposite effect. Have fun with your marketing, make sure that it reflects your overall brand values, and think of what your customers want to see.

A successful marketing campaign can have a huge impact on your business, and create a last impression moving forwards.


There is a lot to be said about the impact of marketing in the eCommerce sphere in 2024. Now more than ever it’s important that your marketing strategy is well thought out. Following the tips set forward in this post is a great way to get you started in engaging new customers whilst boosting brand image and sales.

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