Key impacts and strategies for success

Key impacts and strategies for success

While AI has been a crucial part of search engine algorithms and rankings since 2015, it was only recently that generative AI became more widely accessible and visible. This has raised questions about the use of AI in content development and technical optimization efforts.

To understand how best to apply AI in your SEO campaigns, it’s important to first understand how search engines are using AI and its SEO capabilities. 


At first, search engines used AI for simple word recognition and matching. Today, AI has been developed to understand user intent and interpret context, basing search results not just on individual words but how they are combined. Google’s latest update, MUM, which was announced in 2021 but has not been fully released, has more capabilities than any other search engine so far. It is a multi-modal program that can both understand and generate language. 

These developments have affected the landscape of SEO significantly. Your SEO efforts should not only incorporate AI tools but must keep up with the changing abilities of search engines if you are going to continue providing a competitive edge. This involves optimizing for voice assistants, long tail keywords, and conversation queries.

At Outpace SEO, we design content that targets a range of relevant query styles to make sure our content stays relevant as search engines change. 


AI is a powerful tool that can be applied to almost any aspect of your SEO efforts. It can analyze webpage performance, content quality, user experience, backlink quality, and more. It can also be used to generate content, including meta tags, alt text, and content.

You can use it to research, generate ideas, track keywords and rankings over time, and more. However, it’s important to be cautious with how you integrate AI into your current strategies.

Here are a few key uses of AI that can enhance your SEO efforts:

1. Reduce repetitive tasks.

One of AI’s biggest applications is saving time. AI can streamline your workflow processes by automating repetitive, tedious tasks. Having AI take care of repetitive tasks not only frees you up to focus on high-level goals, but it can also improve accuracy.

At Outpace SEO, we use AI tools for periodic reporting. These tools handle data entry from multiple sources and generate detailed graphs to improve accuracy and make our team more efficient. 

2. Monitor and analyze data.

One category of time-consuming tasks that AI can be used for is monitoring and analyzing data. This could include continuous rank tracking across devices and locations as well as monitoring backlinks. AI tools designed specifically for SEO can also help you audit sites and recommend technical optimization strategies.

For example, we use AI to track rankings, perform regular audits, and notify us of any issues so we can address them promptly. 

3. Develop content.

Using AI to develop content is a controversial topic. Google still recommends original content, but many companies use AI to significantly speed up the process of content creation and reduce staff costs. The key is to use AI tools in a cautious, very specific way.

Generative AI should be used to do just that: generate ideas. It can also help with keyword research, refreshing content, or providing helpful topic analysis to help writers research and outline new content. However, while using AI can enhance your productivity and creativity, it cannot match the power of original content.

While we produce original content at Outpace SEO, we do use AI to efficiently generate new outlines and topic ideas. 


Using AI can enhance your productivity and creativity, but it should be used with caution. It cannot replace human creativity, organization, and research. To use AI successfully, keep the following strategies in mind:

1. Establish clear parameters.

AI tools are continually evolving. Any AI tool you choose to use must align with your workflow and growth goals. This includes content strategies, budget goals, and current CMS management processes. Before committing to a specific tool, consider whether the support and scalability options will be a good fit.

2. Use caution.

Particularly when it comes to content creation, AI tools must be used carefully. Think of AI as a tool for writers and content creators to use, not a replacement for those teams. Remember search engines such as Google increasingly rank content based on quality and originality.

Your content will stand out to clients and search engines if it is personal and creative. Don’t forget that your competitors have access to AI, too, and consider what you can provide that is unique. 


Since AI is constantly changing, it’s crucial that you stay up to date with the results, suggestions, and content your tools are generating as well as how AI models are affecting the SEO landscape. As search engines integrate advanced AI models, your SEO strategies will need to adjust to align with ranking factors.

AI is already an integral part of search engines; understanding how to use it well can provide your SEO efforts with a competitive edge.

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