5 ChatGPT Prompts To Build Your Personal Brand (As A Coach In 2024)

5 ChatGPT Prompts To Build Your Personal Brand (As A Coach In 2024)

5 ChatGPT prompts to build your personal brand (as a coach in 2024)

Laura Haleydt & Ginny Fears – Matt Lena Photography

The times are changing, and to stand out as a coach or consultant you need a strong personal brand. You can’t just do the work. You have to talk about doing the work. You have to share what you know and teach what you learn. The next level of success demands it.

Build your brand as a coaching professional, no matter what your niche. These experienced coaches and consultants share exactly how it’s done.

Follow their advice and use the prompts to find your angle. Copy, paste, and edit the square brackets in ChatGPT. Keep the chat window open so the context carries through.

ChatGPT prompts for success: build a powerful personal brand

Be more you

Don’t try to be a polished version of what you think clients want. Just be you. Coach Carrie Eddins nailed it. “Having the word ‘blonde’ in my brand as the blondepreneur first of all makes people pay attention to me!” she said. Eddins enjoys that her brand name is polarizing. “I have even had mentors say it wasn’t professional, but the right clients for me are attracted to my fun brand name.”

Being yourself brings in the clients who get you. Elayna Fernández, the Positive MOM, backs this up. “Building a personal brand for my coaching business has allowed me to attract clients who respect and value my work, are coachable, and love to refer me to others.” Coachable clients who love you? Yes, please! Try this prompt to be more of yourself.

“I want to make my personal brand more closely aligned with who I really am. Help me identify 5 unique aspects of my personality or approach that I could incorporate into my brand by asking questions one by one. Once we’ve identified 5 aspects, suggest a way to showcase each one in my marketing or client interactions.”

Share non stop

Keep sharing your wisdom online. It demonstrates you know your stuff and keeps you on people’s minds. Laura Haleydt, founder of Elsynergy, started showing up on Instagram four years ago, focusing on organic content. “I grew my audience to 100,000 followers and built a $2 million business off the back of this success,” she explained. She tested different content formats, listened to her audience, and matched her brand colors and voice in every caption.

Haleydt didn’t stop. She dug into the metrics and did more of what worked. She now teaches other people how to replicate her success, along with business partner Ginny Fears who also built her Instagram account with consistent posting. Intentional action will change your life. That’s the power of sharing what you know. Try this prompt to create your own content plan.

“I want to create a content strategy that showcases my expertise as a [describe your profession]. Suggest 5 types of content I could create regularly (e.g., social media posts, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and more) that would engage my target audience effectively. For each content type, provide three topic ideas that would be valuable to my target audience. Ask which content format I’m most excited to try and why, then help me develop it further.”

Choose strong visuals

Eye-catching visual graphics will help people remember you. Holly Wood, The Flourish Mentor, gets this. “I’m often recognised for my brand color lilac, showing the strength of my visual brand.” And creative writing coach Ilaria Mangiardi found her signature look. “Mirroring what I do (in my journaling and creative writing workshops) with a logo of a hand holding a pen has led people to say, ‘Oh you’re the one with the writing hand logo!'” she explained.

A color, a logo, these little things make you stick in people’s minds. Don’t blend in when you are here to stand out. Here’s a prompt to help you nail your visual vibe.

“I want to create a unique visual identity for my personal brand. Help me brainstorm 5 visual elements I could use consistently across my marketing materials (e.g., color scheme, logo, typography). For each element, suggest how it could reflect my personality or coaching style.”

Maximize your background

Your life story is gold for separating yourself from other coaches. Especially if you’re trying to attract the same clients. Whoever resonates harder, wins. Consultant and recipe book author Nandita Godbole, from Curry Cravings, went from landscape architect to author to hospitality consultant. Her unique journey is integral to her brand, so she talks about it often. “I pierced an industry without a typical pedigree or connections and built my niche. Ten years later I can walk into any room with confidence, make heads turn, and most importantly, make them listen,” she shared.

Even if you didn’t switch between wildly different industries, your journey could stand you apart. Find the elements worth talking about, and use this prompt to accentuate your backstory.

“I want to incorporate more of my unique background into my personal brand. Ask me questions about my background, encouraging me to dictate my answers using ChatGPT voice mode, then help me identify 5 key experiences or skills from my past that could be relevant to my coaching/consulting work. For each one, suggest how I could weave it into my brand story or services.”

Build familiarity before you meet people

In 2024, people will check you out online before they ever talk to you. Make it count. “All of my clients first discover me through my Instagram,” added Laura Haleydt. “Clients say they followed me online for months, consuming my content and trusting my expertise before investing in my courses or coaching.” Don’t underestimate the importance of building integrity through a consistent online presence.

“When people invest their time (the most valuable resource) in you online, they are far more likely to financially invest in your services when they’re ready to take that next step.” Haleydt knows that brilliant client relationships come with a strong online presence. Try this prompt to boost yours.

“I want to improve my online presence to support my personal brand. Suggest 5 online platforms or tools I could use to showcase my expertise and connect with potential clients who match the description of [describe them here]. For each platform, provide a specific strategy for using it effectively.”

Grow your coaching practice with a strong personal brand and ChatGPT

Your personal brand isn’t just what you share online. It’s not your value proposition or your LinkedIn headline. Instead, it’s the whole package of how people see you and your work. Be more you, share non stop, create strong visuals and tell your story. Build familiarity with people before you meet them in real life, and let them spend time with your content before they make an enquiry.

Building your personal brand takes work, but it’s so worth it. It helps you stand out, pulls in your dream clients, and opens doors you didn’t even know were there.

Originally Appeared Here