1/9/14: Frozen Trampolines, Class today, 2014 FB Page Template, G+, more!

1/9/14: Frozen Trampolines, Class today, 2014 FB Page Template, G+, more!

People do silly things in cold weather.

Good morning!

They really do.

Doesn’t surprise me.

Does it surprise you?

Sigh.  But I like #5!

I’m writing this around 3:37am or so.     And while it’s cold here, it’s NOT -29 degrees like it is in Park Rapids, MN!  Very poor physical day but hey, these things happen.  Discovered with my paid mastermind class that my monitor used a weird setting which GoToWebinar despised.  Oh yay!  But it’s fixed for today’s class!

Build a Dedicatedly Raving FB Community!

where you’ll learn:

  • How to easily create a FB group for free your customers will love
    How to automatically grow your community WITHOUT FB ads
    How to monetize your community even without a product of your own
    How to transform free members into premium paid members

Plus I gave the authority class for my Mastermind peeps at http://askbling.com/btlace !.  It focused on being the first in their niche for breaking authority news – will probably build that into a $97 product in the future.  (Remember, those in the mastermind get this free!).

And don’t forget – today is our Perking Up Profits show.  Grab it at http://askbling.com/vcefbgroups !

Can you guess what it is?

Today I AM giving our PerkingUpProfits show at  http://askbling.com/vcefbgroups  ! If you are releasing a product, let us know!  And while I specialize in Authority Marketing, I do NOT focus on casino marketing in Duckwater, NV .  Greetings all Duckwater NV Casino marketers, you shine!

It’s also National Static Electricity Day too! http://www.altiusdirectory.com/Society/national-static-electricity-day.php .   Thank you no, my dryer gives me enough.

Today’s Authority News:

Facebook Page Template Tips for 2014

  • Facebook page template & tips for 2014

Tomorrow’s Inspiring Quote:

  • “Don’t worry about others doing better than you. Concentrate on beating your own records every day. Success is a battle between YOU and YOURSELF only.” – Anonymous

Have a great day!


Grow strong,

Barbara Ling