Dusting Off Your Marketing and Branding

Dusting Off Your Marketing and Branding

Contributed by Shari Cedar – CEO & Co-Owner, AK Building Services 

In the cleaning industry, we understand the importance of maintaining a spotless environment. But when was the last time you took a broom to your branding or gave your marketing strategy a thorough scrubbing? As building contractors, we are often so focused on serving our customers that our own marketing and branding goes by the wayside. Just like a pristine office, a company’s image needs regular maintenance to stay sharp and inviting. Let’s grab our marketing mops and branding brushes, and dive into why refreshing your brand is essential for building a successful company.

Keep it Fresh 

First impressions matter. Whether it’s a potential client visiting your website or a prospective teammate checking out your LinkedIn profile, what they see first can set the tone for all future interactions. Over time, even the most polished logos can gather dust, and taglines can become stale. Just as we don’t let dust accumulate in our clients’ offices, we shouldn’t let it gather on our brand. Regularly reviewing and updating your logo, color scheme, and overall visual identity can breathe new life into your company’s public image.

Polish Your Message

The cleaning industry is dynamic, with new technologies and methods continually emerging. As your company evolves, so should your messaging. What resonated with clients five years ago might not hit the mark today. Take the time to revisit your mission statement, values, and key messages. Are they still aligned with your company’s direction and goals? Are they still compelling to your target audience? Sometimes, a little polish is all it takes to make your message shine brighter.

Scrub Your Online Presence

Your website is the digital storefront of your business. If it’s cluttered, outdated, or difficult to navigate, you could be turning away potential customers without even knowing it. Conduct a thorough audit of your website. Ensure that it’s mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and provides visitors with clear and concise information about your services. Consider adding fresh content regularly, such as blog posts or client testimonials, to keep your site engaging and relevant. Think of it as giving your online presence a regular deep clean.

Freshen Up Your Social Media

Social media platforms are powerful tools for connecting with your audience and building your brand. However, they require constant attention and updating. Are your profiles complete and up to date? Are you posting regularly and engaging with your followers? If not, it might be time to rethink your social media strategy. Use these platforms to share success stories, industry news, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your company. A well-maintained social media presence can make your brand feel more human and approachable.

Declutter Your Marketing Strategy

Just as we wouldn’t ignore a cluttered desk, we shouldn’t overlook a cluttered marketing strategy. Take a step back and evaluate your current efforts. What’s working? What’s not? Are there outdated tactics that need to be tossed out or new opportunities that need to be explored? Streamlining your marketing efforts ensures that you’re using your resources effectively and efficiently. Sometimes, less is more, and a focused approach can yield better results than a scattered one.

Renew Your Commitment to Customer Relationships

In the cleaning business, our clients trust us to take care of their spaces, and building that trust takes time and effort. The same goes for marketing and branding. Consistent communication and a commitment to excellent service can turn one-time customers into loyal advocates. Make sure you’re actively listening to your clients’ needs and feedback. Regularly check in with them and adjust based on their input. A strong, customer-focused approach can help you build lasting relationships and a stellar reputation.

Shine the Spotlight on Your Team

Your teammates are the heart of your company, and their dedication and hard work are what make your services exceptional. Highlighting your team in your marketing efforts not only boosts morale but also showcases the human side of your business. Feature team member stories, achievements, and behind-the-scenes photos in your newsletters and on social media. When clients see the faces and learn the stories behind your brand, it creates a deeper connection and trust.

The Importance of a Regular Refresh

In the end, keeping your marketing and branding as clean and fresh as the spaces you service is crucial for long-term success. Regularly dust off your logo, polish your messaging, scrub your online presence, and refresh your commitment to your clients and team. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your company not only stands out in the crowded cleaning industry but also continues to grow and thrive.

Remember, a well-maintained brand is like a sparkling clean office—it leaves a lasting impression and sets the stage for success. So, grab your marketing mop, and let’s start scrubbing!

Shari Cedar is the CEO & Co-Owner of AK Building Services, an industry-leading family owned and operated commercial janitorial services provider in Florida, where she leads sales, strategy, marketing, communications, learning and development, and customer service. AK Building Services is GBAC (Global Biorisk Advisory Certified), LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and ISN certified.

Originally Appeared Here