5 Expert ChatGPT Prompts To Boost Your Personal Brand

5 Expert ChatGPT Prompts To Boost Your Personal Brand

5 expert ChatGPT prompts to boost your personal brand

Matt Diggity

Build a personal brand to establish yourself as an authority, create opportunities, and open doors. A successful online presence sets you apart, making you memorable with your unique voice and perspective. Consistently sharing your expertise, even when you think no one is listening, will mean you get those opportunities that others can’t seem to secure. Start now, and keep going. Get the business wins that those who gave up will never find.

Take this strategic move to never look back. I asked AI experts, professional content creators and business leaders their tried-and-tested prompts for building a personal brand. Here’s what they said.

ChatGPT prompts for building a standout personal brand

Analyze your online presence

Anurag Garg, PR expert and founder of Everest, uses this prompt to “do a quick branding analysis of my clients, which is highly useful in creating their persona for PR work.” Unless you know who you are showing up as online, you’ll be inconsistent in your messaging and approach. That’s not the way. Show up as the best you every time by analyzing everything you have so far. Apply this to your online presence for insights you can take or leave. Here’s the prompt Garg uses.

“You’re a personal branding expert with over 10 years of experience. Use your expertise to assess this website [enter URL] and prepare a detailed report outlining this person and company’s USP, values, brand style, personality, and voice.”

Revamp your profiles using public figures

Take inspiration from people who are playing the personal brand game in a big way. Katya Varbanova, brand marketing strategist and CEO of Viral Marketing Stars did this. When revamping her personal branding website and media bio, she felt uninspired. “So I compiled a list of five public figures I admire, including Gary Vaynerchuk, with their media bios, and asked ChatGPT to analyze them and make mine better based on the learnings.” Here’s the prompt Varbanova used.

“Here are five media bios I love. I want you to analyze their structure, the types of credibility markers and language used. And then I want you to turn them into a template [add media bios here].”

This prompt generated a template for Varbanova. She followed this up with her own details, and added a new prompt. The result? “A revamped media bio without overwhelm.”

“Here’s my current media bio. Please modify it to match the template we created, so my bio is compelling and reflective of the media bios I love.”

Create a nutshell elevator pitch

If in-person events are your thing, make sure you introduce yourself in a way that resonates with the room. Edward Frank Morris, lead prompt engineer and CEO of Enigmatica, said, “I attend networking events that are specific to certain professionals, so I have to repeatedly change up my pitch so that it’s relevant to them.” Doing this from scratch every time would take ages, so he uses ChatGPT. “I slide in details about the people at the event. ChatGPT generates a relevant pitch with a nutshell elevator pitch at the end.” This is how he shows up strong at in-person events. “If I’m not happy with the first output, I follow up with another prompt explaining what it can do better.”

“Act like a professional marketing strategist and business communication coach. We are going to create an elevator pitch for my business that I can use at an upcoming event, attended by [describe event attendees]. Here is the context of my pitch: [insert company/product/service details here]. My target audience is: [insert target audience details here]. Begin by crafting a compelling opening statement that grabs attention, including a hook that highlights the unique value proposition. Clearly define the problem that my company/product/service solves, relating it to the needs and pain points of the target audience. Describe the solution in a concise and engaging manner, emphasizing the benefits and key features that differentiate it from competitors.

Conclude with a strong call-to-action that encourages the listener to take the next step, whether it’s scheduling a meeting, trying a demo, or making a purchase. Ensure the pitch is clear, concise, and can be delivered within 60 seconds. Here are additional details you might need: Unique selling points: [insert unique selling points], Key statistics or evidence: [insert relevant statistics or evidence], Desired tone (e.g., enthusiastic, professional, friendly): [insert desired tone]. Finally, at the end, write a nutshell elevator pitch.”

Gain LinkedIn followers with a strong call to action

Anna Poplevina, AI entrepreneur and digital creator from The AI Entrepreneur Tech Stack, uses this prompt to end her LinkedIn posts with a consistent reminder of her expertise and a casual invite for people to follow for more insights. She explained, “I use ChatGPT to craft a P.S. section that highlights what I do and the value I offer.” Here’s the prompt Poplevina loves.

“Write a P.S. section for my LinkedIn posts that includes: A brief description of what I do [insert specific role or job here]. The type of content I share [insert content focus like AI tips, entrepreneurship advice, productivity hacks, etc.]. A short call-to-action encouraging people to follow me [insert personal style or tone here]. This should work with anything I decide to share on LinkedIn and should compel someone to follow me or contact me to enquire about my offer.”

This prompt helps Poplevina create a compelling call to action for every post, so it’s easy for her audience to understand her expertise, inviting them to connect for more valuable content.

Repurpose your content

Matt Diggity, founder of Diggity Marketing, shared this prompt to create social media posts from conferences and podcast appearances. He explains, “I use ChatGPT to turn my insights into engaging social media content without losing the essence of what I shared.”

“I am [your name]. I was recently asked the following question [explain where, e.g. at a conference/on a podcast]: [insert question]. Here was my answer: [insert answer]. Do the following task #1: Summarize it into an engaging and shareable tweet thread. The thread should cover all the key points discussed in content. Please note that the use of emojis is strictly prohibited in this task except that you may use a thread emoji to denote the first tweet. Importantly, the use of hashtags is not allowed under any circumstances.

Write in the voice of [your name] and how they communicate on Twitter [describe your style]. I am this person and I’ll be posting this as myself on my own social media profiles, so there’s no need to announce myself.”

And for the second task, here’s the prompt: “Repeat task #1, but designed for a single social media share (not a thread), such as that would go on LinkedIn, Facebook or a non-YouTube platform. The post should be as detailed as the tweet thread.”

Don’t waste your answers. This prompt means Diggity can turn one answer into content across every platform, to reach more people with the same information, in his style. This is the power of generative AI for creators.

Transform your personal brand with these powerful prompts

Showing up online doesn’t have to take all day. After all, you have real work to do. Use these prompts to supercharge your way to online success. Analyze your presence to make sure you’re hitting the right tone, then revamp your existing profiles based on people you admire. Introduce yourself with confidence at every event, and sign off every social media post in the most effective way. Turn one answer into multiple social media posts for maximum bang for every sentence. Stand out, make an impact, reap the rewards this work will bring.

Originally Appeared Here