Woman Frustrated With How Personal Branding on LinkedIn Has Become Crucial to Land Job Offers

Woman Frustrated With How Personal Branding on LinkedIn Has Become Crucial to Land Job Offers

She highlights the feeling of being trapped in a system that seems more concerned with appearances than qualifications.

In a TikTok video that has resonated with many Gen Z job seekers, creator Meolah (@meolah) shows her frustration with the current state of job applications. The video opens with a bang. Meolah declares in an irritated voice, “There is no reason on God’s green earth that people should have to build a personal brand for themselves on LinkedIn to even stand out for a job!”

This sentiment perfectly captures the frustration many Gen Z job seekers feel. They question why they must build a personal brand just to get a foot in the door at another business. As Meolah continues, “At that point, I might as well just pursue being an entrepreneur because I’m already building a brand for myself.” This highlights the feeling of being trapped in a system that seems more concerned with appearances than qualifications.

Image Source: @meolah | TikTok

Meolah isn’t alone in her frustration. She mentions another creator who has spoken out about the pressure to curate a perfect online persona for potential employers. This shared experience creates a sense of solidarity among Gen Z job seekers who feel the burden of navigating this complex system. The video then shifts its focus to the much-touted strategy of networking. Meolah asks, “Don’t get me started on networking!” Here she raises a valid point for those who simply don’t have an established network. “

Job seekers are getting jobs based on connections and networks. This observation defines the inequality within the current system, where connections seem to hold more weight than actual skills and experience.

Returning to the topic of LinkedIn, Meolah dreams of a simpler time, “a day that we go back to the days where you can just apply to a job and that’ll be it.” This longing for a more straightforward approach resonates with many Gen Z job seekers who feel overwhelmed by the current landscape. They believe their qualifications – resumes, interviews, and actual experience – should be the primary focus, not a carefully constructed online presence.

The video criticizes the prevalence of “fake listings” on LinkedIn which are advertisements disguised as job openings. This practice adds to the frustration, as Meolah argues, “no one can do all that” – referring to the amount of effort required to constantly curate a personal brand and navigate the complexities of modern job hunting. With 86000 likes on the video, many viewers agree and share the same frustration. 

@Aja shares that she feels the same about these networking scams to get a job.

Image Source: @meolah | TikTok
Image Source: @meolah | TikTok

Another user said how no one teaches us how to do this if it’s so important, and new processes like ATS optimization have come up which is nowhere related to securing jobs.

Image Source: @meolah | TikTok
Image Source: @meolah | TikTok

Another viewer mentioned how LinkedIn is so toxic, that she uninstalled it! 

Image Source: @meolah | TikTok
Image Source: @meolah | TikTok

Meolah concludes the video by stating, “Being Gen Z and going for a job right now…it is awful, so so awful.” This sentiment is echoed in the comments section, where countless users express their agreement.

Meolah’s video perfectly captures the Gen Z job hunt experience. It’s a system that feels stacked against them, demanding an unreasonable amount of effort upfront with little guarantee of success. The pressure to build a personal brand, network extensively, and navigate a platform flooded with misleading information creates a sense of defeat before the job search even begins. The video serves as a call to action, urging the job market to shift its focus back to what truly matters – the skills and experience of the candidates themselves.

You can follow Meolah (@meolah) on TikTok for more such videos and content.

Originally Appeared Here