White Image has secured a certification in email deliverability, vital for email placement in inboxes across Europe and America

White Image has secured a certification in email deliverability, vital for email placement in inboxes across Europe and America

White Image, a leader in business process automation and optimization solutions, receives certification in email deliverability (Deliverability Fundamentals Certificate) from emailExpert.com, an independent international association in the field of email marketing. This certification is a recognition of White Image’s commitment and expertise in managing email marketing campaigns, ensuring the optimal inbox delivery rate and understanding all the technological implications of the email sending process.


White Image has in 2024 an average delivery rate of emails in the inbox of approximately 99.5% and approximately 30% of opening rate.

At White Image, email deliverability consulting is a standard part of the services offered, taking into account that it manages its own infrastructure for sending emails and applies from the beginning all the necessary measures to ensure that emails overwhelmingly reach the inbox.

“Certification in email deliverability comes to strengthen White Image’s position as a strategic partner for companies that want to optimize and automate their business processes and enjoy concrete results through email marketing campaigns. In a context where email deliverability is becoming an increasingly requested separate activity, this certification demonstrates our ability to deliver complete and high-quality solutions for our clients, and optimize the costs,” stated Andrei Georgescu, co-founder of White Image .

In order to obtain the certification, the knowledge of the White Image team was evaluated in tactics for the correct configuration of the email sending infrastructure, in strategies that would allow campaign senders to maintain a good reputation in front of ISPs, in tactics to minimize the risk of appearing in spam trap e-mail address lists and maintaining the integrity of e-mail address lists in accordance with the latest standards and practices in the field.

Email deliverability refers to the company’s ability to ensure that emails reach recipients’ inboxes reliably and consistently. It’s a complex process, involving a number of technical and reputational factors, from properly configuring email domains, IPs, to monitoring recipient lists and open rates. The success of a good email deliverability strategy directly influences conversion rates.

“Email deliverability is an increasingly specialized activity that requires deep expertise and a well-defined set of tools and processes. As email marketing becomes a critical channel for businesses, message deliverability has become a major concern for digital marketers. We see that more and more companies appear in Europe and in the USA specializing only in the area of ​​email deliverability, a trend that shows us the importance of this service. We are glad that we at White Image can offer integrated services and have tools that allow us to ensure optimal results for all our partners. We are here to help them achieve better returns from their investments in email communication”, added Andrei Georgescu, co-founder of White Image.

White Image’s achievement of this certification demonstrates the agency’s commitment to delivering exceptional results in managing clients’ email marketing campaigns. At the same time, the company is confident that more and more companies will have even greater confidence in the power of email marketing campaigns.

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