23 Welcome Email Subject Lines for Your New Subscribers

23 Welcome Email Subject Lines for Your New Subscribers

Based on Campaign Monitor’s data, about 70% of people use email subject lines to decide if an email is spam.

This data highlights the value of creating compelling welcome email subject lines to engage your audience and run a successful email marketing campaign.

Learn how to create email subject lines that catch your audiences’ attention and spur them to open your email.

The five best welcome email subject lines to greet new subscribers:

  • Getting subscribers started
  • Exclusive offers
  • Personalized
  • Friendly
  • Question type

1. Getting subscribers started

To influence the people who recently joined your email list to open your welcome messages, supply them with quick information about what they should do now that they’ve subscribed to your emails, together with some benefits they can expect from your company.

Groupon does this excellently with their welcome email message.

Provide concise information in your emails while inviting subscribers to take action. Image source:

Email design by BEEFREE.IO

Create a compelling subject line to boost your subscriber engagement and click-through rates (CTRs). This helps you run your small business email marketing campaigns effectively.

Example email subject lines to introduce your product or brand:

  • Welcome to (your brand name)! Let’s get started.
  • You’re in, let’s begin!
  • Welcome! Let’s get right to it.
  • We’re here to help you get started.
  • You’re family now. Introductions are in order.

2. Exclusive offers

Highlight exclusivity in your welcome email subject lines to make your audience feel important and they belong.

Emphasize exclusive offers from the get-go to entice your subscribers to open your emails; this helps improve your email open rates.

Example welcome email subject lines for exclusive offers:

  • Welcome! You’re now part of the club.
  • It’s official. You’re now an exclusive member!
  • You’re now part of the crowd.
  • You made the list. Enjoy your discount code.
  • You’re in! Your exclusive discount code is here.

Invoke your subscribers’ love of shopping even before they open your email by including promo and discount codes in your welcome email subject lines.

It’s an effective email marketing strategy to foster customer loyalty, grow your email list, and raise your profits.

3. Personalized

Personalized subject lines increase open rates by 50%, making personalization invaluable to increase your CTRs.

Personalize your subject lines by including your subscribers’ names and use words that make them feel like you’re talking to them directly.

Example welcome email subject lines with basic personalization:

  • Welcome to , Jane!
  • You deserve the best, John.
  • Welcome, Michael! Your first round of weekly quotes is here.
  • We’re glad you’re here, Alicia!
  • Hello, Peter. Welcome to the list.

People see your subject line first, so make it count by adding personalization and following tried and tested email marketing tips.

Bonus tip: Don’t create your emails from scratch. Use welcome email templates offered by numerous sites to reduce the time you spend putting together a welcome message.

4. Friendly

Give you welcome email subject lines a friendly vibe to make your subscribers feel they’re interacting with humans. The more human your email subject line looks, the more relatable and “open-worthy” it becomes to your subscribers.

Use a reliable email marketing software, such as Mailchimp to come up with an awesome subject line.

The platform’s subject line helper checks if your subject line follows the recommended best practices.

Mailchimp's subject line helper makes suggestions as you type

Use Mailchimp’s subject line helper to refine your welcome email subject lines. Image source: Author

Consider these subject lines to exude friendliness in your welcome emails:

  • We’re happy to have you
  • Thank you for joining our club
  • Welcome to , neighbor
  • We’re glad you decided to be here

5. Question type

Use questions in your subject lines to create intrigue and entice your recipients to open your emails.

Questions are great because they urge your subscribers to focus on your subject lines. It prompts them to think of the answers, allowing you to build a deeper connection with them.

Think about what’s important to your subscribers then ask questions referring to it.

For example, if your subscribers are struggling with their email conversion rates, use an email subject line along the lines of, “Were your emails ignored again?”

Because the question you asked is a reality they’re facing, there is a strong connection between their needs and what you’re offering — making them want to open and read your welcome email.

Example welcome email subject line in question form:

  • Curious about our world? Welcome to !
  • Are you interested in opportunities?
  • Welcome to . Are you ready to step up?
  • Ready to know the latest seasonal trends?

Best practices for welcome email subject lines

Follow these welcome email subject line best practices to grab your recipients’ attention and entice them to open your emails.

Practice 1: Use the 4U model

Create compelling welcome email subject lines using the 4U model to move your subscribers along your email marketing funnels.

Implement the 4U model in your subject lines by being:

  • Urgent. Encourage your subscribers to open your welcome emails by adding an element of urgency in your subject lines.
  • Ultra-specific. Ensure the information in your subject line is consistent with your email content to avoid misleading and potentially losing your subscribers.
  • Unique. Come up with unique angles to make your subject lines stand out. This is one of the newsletter best practices that seasoned marketers use to get better results.
  • Useful. Show your recipients why they should open your email instantly through your subject lines. Trigger curiosity by giving them a glimpse of the value they get when they open and read your email.

Practice 2: Avoid spam filters and spam traps

Avoid using words that trigger spam filters or get you blacklisted.

The words “100%” and “Free” are classic examples.

Here are some tips for avoiding spam filters and spam traps.

  • Learn spam words. Come up with a list of subject line examples then peg your words against a spam word list so you can remove them.
  • Don’t use all uppercase letters. Avoid using all caps in your subject lines since they can seem “spammy.” It might trigger spam filters.
  • Avoid using too many exclamation points. It’s common practice for spammers to add several exclamation points on their subject lines. Don’t follow their lead by using the same practice; it might cause their ISP to tag your email as spam.

Additional tip: Manage your email list properly to avoid sending emails to those who unsubscribed to your newsletters, or signed up by mistake.

Practice 3: Mention your CTAs on your subject line

Sometimes, the best way to write your subject lines is to mention your calls-to-action. That way, the intent of your email is clear and your recipients know exactly what you want them to do.

This strategy is perfect when you’re giving something of enormous value.

When offering a massive discount, for example, use the email subject line, “Claim Your 70% Discount Now.” The subject line’s message isn’t just clear, but the offer is also catchy.

Start creating stunning welcome email subject lines

Increase your email open rates by writing compelling welcome email subject lines. In addition to using the strategies we mentioned, use the emails you received from other companies as email examples to learn from.

By studying the welcome and promotional emails in your inbox and using the strategies in this guide, you are bound to create a high-converting welcome email.

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