Reconnecting and Remembering on Memorial Day

Reconnecting and Remembering on Memorial Day

Hey there,

I hope this email finds you well! It’s been quite a while since my last newsletter, and I wanted to take a moment to reconnect with you.  In a nutshell, the past 4 years were more painful than a 4-year-long case of Shingles that declared you are its new best friend! Thus, please sit back, relax, close your eyes no, don’t do that, you need those eyes to keep reading and enjoy!

Let us begin with:

A Traditional Memorial Day Weekend

Over the weekend, folks enjoyed a nice long break: grilling burgers (and drafting marketing campaigns), opening up pools (and optimizing landing pages), hanging  around with family (and tweaking ad copy).and the like.  Because nothing says ‘holiday fun fun fun!’ like crafting the perfect pitch between BBQ bites, amirite?  🙂

But seriously, the only reason we CAN indulge in this day of warm, loving Familial gatherings is because Memorial Day actually exists in the first place.  And wow, do you know about some of the more…  energetic historical tidbits that you could mesmerize and entertain your party with?

Well!  As you might know, Memorial Day is a heart-felt occasion to honor and remember the brave men, women and dogs/cats/carrier pigeons/etc who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  It does not focus upon any one war; instead, it embraces the memory of any being who died in the line of duty.

Updates surged in during the year 2000; Congress rolled out the National Moment of Remembrance Act.  This decreed that on 3pm sharp on Memorial Day, the whole nation just hits >pause< for a moment of silence. It’s not just about remembering; it’s about reflecting deeply on those who gave their all.

Good stuff!

From there, let’s move to:

Memorial Day Resources

There are many top-notch resources that provides you with everything from History, Trivia, Amuse-the-Kids-Goodies-so-Adults-Can-Actually-Enjoy-Grownup time and the like.  Here, what do you think?

I certainly hope you found the above both useful and amoosing.  Yes yes yes, I know that lots of marketers focus solely upon the Selling opportunities of Memorial Day instead of the “Y’know, There’s Actually a (gasp!) Reason WHY Memorial Day has that Word “Memory” Implied In It” aspects.

For me, though?  Memorial Day is a Sacred day – there’s 363 *other* days I can market my adorablez little tiny heart out.  I have no issues marketing to other countries, mind you, but for the folks in the USA…

… I will simply focus on those peoples and war animals who were far braver than I ever could be, and honor their sacrifice in the only way I know how – sharing to other peoples cool facts they might never have known before.

Now, before I say my goodbyes (not to mention: AND close my first hello in over 933 years or so), I’d like to share:

My Memorial Day!

My husband and I have been married now pretty much since the Dawn of Q.  We both seem to be coming down with some sort of NotGoodness, so we did take several glorious naps that would have easily ranked over winning your very own 3-Regulation-Sized-Football-Fields-Long Operational Starship Enterprise (batteries NOT included). 😁

But then… 7:33pm or so called out to me via a song sweeter than the Original (original, mind you) Oreo Double Stuf cookies, and whispered seductively into my ear: “Sleep!  It does a Body Goooooooood!” (and as it’s now close to 4:23am on Tuesday morning, obviously I really do need to get better at this sleep stuff, just sayin’).

So of course, exactly 1 minute later, my spouse gravely mentioned to me that his tummy is missing *something*.  Faster than a caffeinated cheetah, I responded, “Husband!  You must take me to Coldstone this very instant!” and 5 minutes later, with the mooses loaded into the MooseMobile, off we went to uncover any mysteries that only cookie-dough-flavored ice cream enhanced by 2 metric tons of frosting could reveal to us.

Can you relate? 🙂

And that’s it for me!

In closing, it really IS splendid to have recovered from the past four years of heck fried over.  It really IS terrific to once more turn technical into simple for those serious about ditching the 9-to-5 grind and embracing the Laptop Lifestyle.

And finally, words fail to describe just how magnificent it is realize that *finally*, at around 4:23am… I finally can answer that maddingly compelling siren song of, I boldly declare:  SLEEP.  😹

Such a rewarding journey it is, my friend… such a rewarding journey indeed.

Grow strong,

Your Virtual Coach