How to Decrease the Carbon Footprint in the Restaurant Industry | Small Business

How to Decrease the Carbon Footprint in the Restaurant Industry | Small Business

A carbon footprint is a general term to describe a person’s impact on the environment based on carbon emissions released into the atmosphere. Businesses have a carbon footprint as well. If you want to run a restaurant in an increasingly eco-conscious world, you must consider how your business decisions impact your carbon footprint. By running an eco-friendly restaurant, you can keep patrons happy and benefit the Earth without harming your bottom line.

Think Green Construction

  1. Heating and cooling alone can greatly increase the carbon footprint of a restaurant. If you have any control over the construction of the restaurant, consider your options for energy efficiency. For example, a white, metal roof can reflect the majority of the sun’s radiation, reducing heat absorption, according to the U.S. Environmental Energy Technologies Division. Reflective insulation can also help you to improve your energy efficiency, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Furthermore, use recycled building materials. You can purchase drywall panels made from recycled materials and cellulose insulation made from shredded newspaper.

Buy Local

  1. By supporting your local farms and vendors, you can reduce your carbon footprint by reducing your reliance on long-distance delivery. The average distance traveled for food in the United States is approximately 4,000 to 5,000 miles, according to a study titled “Food-Miles and the Relative Climate Impacts of Food Choices in the United States,” by Carnegie Mellon researchers Christopher L. Weber and H. Scott Matthews. All of this traveling results in the constant release of greenhouse gases, but you can solve the problem simply by finding local providers. Speak to vendors at your local farmers’ markets and consult local farms and dairies about the possibility of working together.

Choose Foods Carefully

  1. The distance food travels can affect your carbon footprint, but so can the foods themselves. For example, purchasing local fruits and vegetables carries a low carbon footprint, but the production processes involved in raising and producing meats and dairy products can have a tremendous impact, according to the Carnegie Mellon study. The study points out that the difference between a person who eats an animal-based diet versus a plant-based diet is about the equivalent of driving 8,000 miles per year in terms of carbon emissions. Consider offering menu items with an ample use of fruits and vegetables, while reducing the amount of meat and dairy ingredients. Use fruits and veggies creatively so that you do not need to rely as heavily on animal products.

Recycle, Reduce Waste

  1. Make it a restaurant-wide policy to recycle any waste products that you can, while limiting trash waste. If you use condiments like ketchup and mustard, look for bottles made from recycled plastic. Use reusable plates and silverware and avoid using disposable items like paper plates and plastic ware.

Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

  1. When purchasing appliances such as ovens for the kitchen, look for the Energy Star logo and try to find the most energy-efficient options possible. Energy Star is a program of the U.S. Department of Energy, which examines appliances and other consumer goods to determine if the items are energy efficient by measuring the amount of energy expended. For example, Energy Star requires electric convection ovens to have at least 70 percent cooking energy efficiency, and gas ovens must have at least 44 percent cooking energy efficiency. The Energy Star website offers a complete and comprehensive database of goods deemed energy efficient.

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