Art Media Agency — Can A.I. spot fake art?

Art Media Agency — Can A.I. spot fake art?

Swiss tech firm Art Recognition claims to be able to tell whether your paintings are fake or not using only a snapshot from your phone. Guaranteeing results in only 7 to 10 business days, the companyu2019s website even promises its system can differentiate between an artistu2019s various styles, techniques, and aesthetic evolutions.n

A.I. art authentication is not new. Multiple companies offer the services. Art Recognition, however, claims to offer a superior product. They cite the well-publicised example of the de Bru00e9cy Tondo Madonna. Human authentication experts long ago determined through pigment analyses and other means that the painting was painted in the High Renaissance. They furthermore determined it was likely painted by Italian artist Raphael (1483-1520) since its imagery is nearly identical to that of The Sistine Madonna, which had already been authenticated as one of his works.n

An A.I. team from Bradford University in the United Kingdom did an analysis of the de Bru00e9cy Tondo Madonna that validated the human assessment, offering a 95 percent likelihood that it had been painted by Raphael. That team used a system based on face recognition software. Art Recognition, however, uses a different kind of model, which they say is more effective since it is based on sets of both positive and negative examples and trained by input from art historians on its staff. According to their analyses, there is an 85 percent likelihood that the de Bru00e9cy Tondo Madonna was not painted by Raphael.”,”html_fr”:”

La sociu00e9tu00e9 suisse Art Recognition pru00e9tend pouvoir du00e9terminer si vos peintures sont fausses ou non en utilisant uniquement une photo prise avec votre tu00e9lu00e9phone. Garantissant des ru00e9sultats en seulement 7 u00e0 10 jours ouvrables, le site Web de lu2019entreprise promet mu00eame que son systu00e8me peut diffu00e9rencier les diffu00e9rents styles, techniques et u00e9volutions esthu00e9tiques du2019un artiste.n

Lu2019authentification du2019art par intelligence artificielle nu2019est pas nouvelle. Plusieurs entreprises proposent des services similaires. Art Recognition, cependant, affirme proposer une offre supu00e9rieure. Ils donne en exemple la Madone de Bru00e9cy Tondo. Les experts humains ont du00e9terminu00e9 il y a longtemps, par des analyses de pigments et autres moyens, que la peinture avait u00e9tu00e9 peinte u00e0 la Haute Renaissance. Ils ont en outre du00e9terminu00e9 quu2019elle avait probablement u00e9tu00e9 peinte par Raphau00ebl (1483-1520) puisque son imagerie est presque identique u00e0 celle de La Madone Sixtine, qui avait du00e9ju00e0 u00e9tu00e9 authentifiu00e9e comme lu2019une de ses u0153uvres.n

Une u00e9quipe du2019IA de lu2019Universitu00e9 de Bradford au Royaume-Uni a effectuu00e9 une analyse de la Madone de Bru00e9cy Tondo qui a validu00e9 lu2019u00e9valuation humaine, offrant une probabilitu00e9 de 95 % quu2019elle ait u00e9tu00e9 peinte par Raphau00ebl. Cette u00e9quipe utilisait un systu00e8me basu00e9 sur un logiciel de reconnaissance faciale. Art Recognition, cependant, utilise un modu00e8le diffu00e9rent, quu2019ils disent u00eatre plus efficace puisquu2019il est basu00e9 sur des ensembles du2019exemples positifs et nu00e9gatifs et formu00e9 par les entru00e9es du2019historiens du2019art de leur personnel. Selon leurs analyses, il y a 85 % de probabilitu00e9 que la Madone de Bru00e9cy Tondo nu2019ait pas u00e9tu00e9 peinte par Raphau00ebl.”,”html_zh”:null,”html_hk”:null,”authors”:[{“id”:”69ff13357fc0762228e418321287d834″,”name_en”:”Phillip Barcio”,”name_fr”:”Phillip Barcio”,”name_zh”:null,”name_hk”:null}],”type_en”:”News”,”type_fr”:”News”,”type_zh”:null,”type_hk”:null,”type_id”:”70402dfefe971f43cddd748fbd7db514″,”city_en”:”Adliswil”,”city_fr”:”Adliswil”,”city_zh”:null,”city_hk”:null,”country_code”:”ch”,”tags”:[{“id”:”341ef25f3e7af176b64e0d1113cee7ef”,”name_en”:”Art Recognition”,”name_fr”:”Art Recognition”,”name_zh”:null,”name_hk”:null},{“id”:”5923bf1d7b2742235cbbec0da317f0cf”,”name_en”:”technology”,”name_fr”:”technologie”,”name_zh”:null,”name_hk”:null},{“id”:”6e35fe8b8fa0ec70749a7e954e1f2a73″,”name_en”:”Authentication”,”name_fr”:”authentification”,”name_zh”:null,”name_hk”:null},{“id”:”ebd8fc17838129b344b38dd4c557300c”,”name_en”:”Raphael”,”name_fr”:”Raphau00ebl”,”name_zh”:null,”name_hk”:null}],”issues”:[],”publication”:”2024-05-10 14:20:00″,”edition”:null,”notification”:null,”removal”:null,”social”:null,”factiva”:null,”creation”:”2024-05-11 03:19:42″,”images”:[{“id”:”04a18dd13e93fd6a4253fee2edf53765″,”description_en”:”de Bru00e9cy Tondo Madonna”,”description_fr”:”de Bru00e9cy Tondo Madonna”,”description_zh”:null,”description_hk”:null,”copyrights_en”:”ARR”,”copyrights_fr”:”DR”,”copyrights_zh”:null,”copyrights_hk”:null,”tags”:[{“id”:”0f1a723694cd3b759b5f2f0bec8fc1ec”,”name_en”:”painting”,”name_fr”:”peinture”,”name_zh”:null,”name_hk”:null},{“id”:”dce0f7b57f7f460e10fae7c7958daf0e”,”name_en”:”child”,”name_fr”:”enfant”,”name_zh”:null,”name_hk”:null},{“id”:”c49595a17247be113f9540b8959914e0″,”name_en”:”Virgin”,”name_fr”:”Vierge”,”name_zh”:null,”name_hk”:null}]}],”country_en”:”Switzerland”,”country_fr”:”Suisse”,”country_zh”:null,”country_hk”:null}” loading=”false” lang=”en”>

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