Quick Recap: =>PLR: High Achievers Goodness (Tiff’s latest!

Quick Recap: =>PLR: High Achievers Goodness (Tiff’s latest!


Barb Ling here and it’s Tiff’s latest!


==>  High Achiever PLR!

Your Benefits:   You get fantastic PLR that you can claim as your own in this popular niche!

Who should buy this:  People who want high quality PLR and profit from it.

Who should not buy this:  Anyone who cannot afford it

Obligatory humor:  “I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.”   🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want you the latest and greatest in high quality PLR by Tiff Lambert?

We’re talking:

Ambitious People Have a Habit of Giving Back – 452 words

Go Getters Are Savvy About Financial Matters – 428 words

Go Getters Enjoy Their Daily Routines – 450 words

Go Getters Know the Right Way to Prioritize Their Day – 405 words

Go Getters Rely on Their Ethics and Character to Build on Their Success – 409 words

Go Getters See No Benefit in Complaining – 426 words

Go Getters Stay in Charge of Their Schedule and Don’t Let It Take Charge of Them – 434 words

Go Getters Use Their Strengths and Delegate Their Weaknesses – 429 words

High Achievers Are Detail-Oriented – 430 words

High Achievers Aren’t Afraid to Ask Questions – 428 words

High Achievers Have Plans So They Can Act without Hesitation – 423 words

High Achievers Have a Systematic Approach to Networking – 441 words

High Achievers Learn and Log Ideas from Others – 412 words

High Achievers Love to Encounter Problems – 435 words

High Achievers Put Themselves in Other People’s Shoes – 417 words

High Achievers Spend Time Visualizing Their Success – 417 words

High Achievers Track and Tweak Their Mental and Physical Progress – 416 words

Leaders Achieve Success By Being Flexible to Changes – 424 words

Leaders Have a Process to Eliminate Mental Clutter – 410 words

Leaders Know How to Start Their Day Off on the Right Foot – 411 words

Successful Individuals Don’t Keep Things in Their Head – 414 words

Successful Men and Women Journal to Crystalize Their Plans – 457 words

Successful Men and Women Track and Analyze Their Results – 412 words

Successful People Don’t Overthink Things – 404 words

Successful People Have a Plan in Place for Completion – 411 words

Successful People Have a System for Communication – 415 words

Successful People Remind Themselves to Be Grateful – 424 words

Successful People Say Goodbye to Pride, Ego and Fear – 438 words

The Best Leaders Know How to Listen for the Best Results – 406 words

Top Leaders Excel at the Unimportant – 433 words

Top Performers Aren’t Afraid to Be Trend Setters – 429 words

Top Performers Eliminate Distractions and Set the Tone for Success  – 434 words

Top Performers Enjoy the Journey, Not Just the Destination – 424 words

Top Performers Like to Focus on Their Flaws for Improvement – 416 words


I’d write more but life is really character-building now (will explain in morning newsletter)….



Grow strong,

Barbara “More commissions!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps:  and the enhancemenets…