Quick Recap: =>PREMIUM: 169 topics, 800K Evergreen premium IM Words…

Quick Recap: =>PREMIUM: 169 topics, 800K Evergreen premium IM Words…


Barb Ling here and very quickly…

Remember that Passive Affiliate Marketing Bullseye cheatsheet?

Well!  Did you knot that I created the entire funnel from the PLR that Dennis and I have offered in the past:

235K Premium IM Words
320K Premium IM Words
800K Premium IM Words


Well!  The last launch I just did, that Passive Affiliate Marketing Bullseye?

It’s the updated version of the cheatsheet I made before!

And here’s the 3rd PLR I used:


==>  800K Premium IM Words PLR!

Your Benefits:  I used this to help create the full 5 products IN the funnel!


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Recently I updated the 5 product sales funnel goodie:

Passive Affiliate Marketing

In said funnel was:

A Cheatsheet

2 brand new branded ebooks

511+ Niche Marketing Resources

A 10 video set of eMail Marketing for Newbies

And you know something?

I made them SOLELY from the 235K/320K/800K IM Premium IM Words content PLR that we had released earlier!

==>  Here’s the 800K Premium IM Words PLR offer…

Sounds good?  Methinks so… it really spells out exactly how you can profit like I did….

From content you didn’t originally create as well.

What’s not to adore?

Grow strong,

Barbara “More buy buttons!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

==>  LAST CALL:  Ends TONIGHT 11:59pm EST!