Quick Recap: OFFLINE: Microsoft bought ’em BOTH and here’s how to use that knowledge

Quick Recap: OFFLINE: Microsoft bought ’em BOTH and here’s how to use that knowledge

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and did you see this?

Brief, pithy and to the point:

Are you an offline consultant?

If so….

Are you still struggling to get local clients for your business? 

You see, getting leads for your business is often the missing link to success, isn’t it?

I mean:

* you probably already know you are the best consultant for your local area, right?

* you already know that you are capable of giving great service to your clients.

* you know you possess the knowledge and skills to really help an owner grow their business super fast…

And super fast means happy customers, which means recurring income, which means you grow YOUR business fast as well!
Thing is…. What gives??
You need clients FIRST!

And that’s why I’m alerting you to Mike’s latest goodie…

He knows if you can solve the “lead problem”… the sky is the limit!

In other words, if you had a ton of “tries” or “swings”…. all the other “misses” wouldn’t matter that much… and you could finally breeaatthhhh…

This method is new, unique.. and guess what?  No one knows about it!

In the last couple of months two major platforms have “teamed-up” to give you a way to get offline client leads for yourself… in a Jaw-Dropping way.

==> Take a look at it here (most likely, your competition won’t know about this for a while):
And the enhancements?

The Art of Ad Tweaking for a higher CTR

Mike’s Go-To eMail swipes for WHEN a prospect becomes a lead… and even after (ie, no cold-calling involved!)

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own

Bing Marketing Strategy Pack

My own collection of the BEST Bing Marketing tutorials out there!

Sounds good?

I think so – Bing has a lot less competition than Google does… and because Microsoft owns BOTH LinkedIn AND Bing…

It’s really a no-brainer indeed.


Grow strong,

Barb “Become the Consultant of Choice!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – bonuses too!    http://askblings.com/2micros