Quick Recap: Niche Power: Weight Loss Master?

Quick Recap: Niche Power: Weight Loss Master?

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and my apologies - I neglected to alert you to this!

==> Weight Loss Domination
Link at end

Your Benefits: you get ALL the Training, the Tools, the Emails, and Even the CONTENT to Profit HUGE this Highly Lucrative Niche...

Brief, pithy and to the point:

Here, I'll let Lee tell you:

"... Q: What Do Your 21 Done For You Emails Promote?
A: Weight loss products in the Clickbank and Market Health affiliate networks. Mostly diet programs; some supplements.

It's important to note that these emails aren't 100% promotional in nature. They teach powerful lessons and provoke your audience to "watch videos" on certain topics.

These videos, of course, just so happen to be sales videos on the sales pages of the products you promote.

But since these videos do tend to teach and inspire, they're still perfectly okay to share on their own merits. The sales you make will be incidental. Oops! :)

By the way, at the top of each email, you're told for which product to grab your affiliate link. Again, the majority of these products can be found in the Clickbank marketplace.

==> Catch that Clickbank?

Q: What Is Your "Weight Loss Spin-Ready Article?"
A: This is, essentially, a 700-word resource box that goes directly under the videos you embed on your site. It's designed to engage your audience and make them like you.

But more importantly, it encourages them to visit your squeeze page, buy products through your affiliate links, and share your stuff on social media. I even include "placeholders" over which you can paste in your affiliate urls, banner urls, and autoresponder sign-up form code...

Not to mention the fact that I've also included HTML, so all you need to do is click the "Text" tab in your WordPress posting area, paste in the article, and watch as a perfectly-formatted, beautiful piece of content emerges on your site.

I've handled it all for you!

It also helps you rank better in the search engines (not our primary focus, but free, passive, organic traffic doesn't suck, so why not?)... and it gives your Adsense ads a place to live. :)

Because it's spin-ready, you can use it limitless times on your blog. You can have a million video posts, each one using the same piece of content (though each rendering is completely unique in the eyes of Google).

And because it was written and spun by me personally (and not some lame-ass bot), each unique rendering reads like a masterpiece... a masterpiece that was written by a 6-figure marketer who knows how to influence people to take action! This puts money in your pocket, plain and simple.

Q: So Aside From Making Video Posts, What Else Does the Course Teach?

A: Lots of stuff, kimosabe! It teaches email marketing. Even though you'll be using my DFY emails, there's still more you can do to keep people coming back to your blog, clicking on your ads, clicking on your affiliate links, opting into new funnels, and buying stuff. I show it all to ya!

I also teach traffic generation, both free and paid. Very smart, very easy stuff.

I show you super stealthy ways to monetize your blog, as well as how to create NEW opportunities by creating additional funnels, contests, viral campaigns, and much more!

That said, it's not just a hodgepodge of information. It's extremely well-organized, and extremely easy to both grasp and implement. You're gonna LOVE this stuff!

==> Catch all those goodies?

Q: Are There Any Upsells/OTOs?

A: Yes, there are two.

Upgrade #1:

"Weight Loss Niche Domination: The Next Level." Quite simply, I give you an additional strategy that you can use on your same blog. It basically just beefs up the system. And beef it up royally it does! This has you going after BUYER keywords that nobody else is targeting!

It also gives you a new type of lead magnet to use... one that's focused entirely on products, rather than concepts. This takes you straight to the money, faster than you ever dreamed possible.

I personally wrote BOTH of the two new lead magnets you're getting in this package. One of them deals with weight loss supplements, while the other deals with popular diets. You also get the cover images, squeeze pages, thank-you pages, and download pages!

I'm also including 21 BRAND NEW weight loss emails! This will bring you up to 42 expertly-crafted, relationship-building, commission-generating emails in all.

Follow my advice in the course, and these 42 emails can have you generating sales and earning fat affiliate commissions on complete autopilot for a full YEAR! Maybe even longer. ;)

And you also get my "Lose X Pounds In X Time" spin-ready article. And my spin-ready "Profit vs. Profit" script! This is an incredible, life-changing offer that you really don't want to miss out on.

Upgrade #2:

The second OTO is my spin-ready review and content membership. That's pretty self-explanatory, and you'll see precisely what I have to offer on that particular page. Patience, amigo. ;)

==> What are you waiting for?

Methinks this is totally a nobrainer.....


Barb "More Profits" Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps:  Grab it ALL here:http://askblings.com/wlniche