Quick Recap: Coupon: SOFTWARE: HIdden trick for plenty of targeted YouTube traffic?: Playtraffic Elite

Quick Recap: Coupon: SOFTWARE: HIdden trick for plenty of targeted YouTube traffic?: Playtraffic Elite

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and ever wish you could find a NEW unique traffic source from YouTube?

Well then!

Play Traffic Software! Use coupon barbcoffeeplay to take off!

See.... I am going to tell you about something that’s never been done on vYouTube before

This is Playtraffic, the world’s first playlist marketing software for YouTube. It unlocks a 100%
new traffic source for you from playlists.

Playlists are first class citizens of YouTube. They get found in YouTube search results, and you can even filter and get playlists alone.

Millions of viewers look for playlists every day.

Catch those millions?

Use coupon barbcoffeeplay to take off!

Well.... how can you use it to your advantage?

Just create playlists targeting your niche keywords and put your videos on top in it.

Simple, but killer-effective.

If you do it manually it’ll take too much time to do this and is not worth it. So don’t do it that way....

Playtraffic makes it ridiculously simple.

You can:

- Find tons of keywords to use as playlist titles in your niche
- Add your channel videos and find other videos from YouTube
- Create playlists and publish them instantly or schedule them on YouTube

All from within the software!

Important : It comes with powerful playlist marketing training that will show you how to use the playlists for maximum traffic. That’s like not just getting the tool but also the roadmap.

Incredible stuff.

And because its a solo offer, buy thru my link and receive my own

YouTube Video Marketing Strategy Pack!

Sounds good?  I think so - an easy way to add to playlists with YOUR playlist on top?


Let me know what you think,

Barb Ling

Grow strong,

Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

PS - and if you still have questions:

Q. Will this run on a Mac?
A. It is designed for Windows and will run best on a Windows based PC. Will run on Mac only with a virtualization platform like Parallels.

Q. Does this put my YouTube account at peril?
A. No. This software is 100% compliant with YouTube norms and uses the official YouTube API. Just make sure you follow the YouTube guidelines and don’t spam the platform.

Q. How much time will this take?
A. This is a powerful time-saving tool. Designed to save your time. You won’t have to create playlists manually, and will be able to do everything in minutes.

Q. I need to work with multiple channels and playlists, can I add them?
A. On this page, we have the Elite version of Playtraffic which allows you limited accounts. If you want unlimited, you can get the upgrade which will be available inside if you buy the Elite version.

Q. Will you update this software and make sure it keeps working?
A. Yes, we maintain our software religiously and make sure it stays up to date with tech. Expect it to have even more features and capabilities as time goes. We will certainly update and extend it.

Q. How soon will I see results?
A. Publish playlists and you should see more traffic than your usual instantly. Keep repeating for better and better results.

==> Start your journey here and Use coupon barbcoffeeplay to take off!