Quick Recap: LAST CALL ==> Bitcoin Buzz Version 2.0 PLR

Quick Recap: LAST CALL ==> Bitcoin Buzz Version 2.0 PLR

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and did you miss this grand PLR?


==>  Bitcoin Buzz V2.0!


Brief pithy and to the point....

Want you this latest goodie by Sue?

You'll gain:

29 page Report [4,889 words] - Bitcoin Buzz - Learn the Basics of Bitcoin - sell as your own product

 Ecover with PSD files included

5 Bitcoin Related Articles

Articles formatted onto slides - perfect for creating your own videos

Bitcoin Banners - PSD files included

5 page Research Report - Includes valuable links to related Bitcoin items such as people to follow, Amazon Products, Blogs to Follow, Pinterest & Instagram and more

Bitcoin Glossary - so you can finally understand all those terms!

 6 page Resource Report - includes links to information such as Smartphone Apps, Bitcoin Stores, Clickbank Products, Trading & Transactions Chart and more

Brand New Mini Site + additional ecover

15 Royalty Free Bitcoin Related Images


Sue's PLR always gets grand reviews and ...

... it's 100% fresh!

Grow strong,

Barb "'Tis the season!" Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps -  Price increasing with each sale.....
