Quick Recap: Easier. Faster. Better. More profits. And less than the cost of a small pizza?: Productivetastic

Quick Recap: Easier. Faster. Better. More profits. And less than the cost of a small pizza?: Productivetastic


Barb Ling here and I just got word of this goodie from Dennis Becker and methinks you’ll love it bunches!

Brief, pithy and to the point:

What if you could get behind-the-scenes of a 7 figure marketer’s mind….

And see how Jimmy Brown runs HIS business….

… and how he boosted his productivity to the success he has today?


Well then!

Let’s take a look at what you’ll get immediately today when when you grab your copy…


Maybe you’re thinking, “this all sounds great – but I don’t want to have to spend my leftover time reading yet another long ebook“. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do that to you! 🙂

While there are over 150 pages in this compilation of the seven Productivetastic issues, each issue is a quick-read with multiple short and punchy articles.

Three things you need to know about each of the seven issues included in the package…

1) It’s a quick read. At 10-15 pages you can read it in half an hour with ZERO fluff. Or, go specifically to an article (see below for titles!) and read what you want in less than 5 minutes!

2) It’s action-oriented. Every “big idea” has applicable things you can DO to apply it.

3) It’s measurable. You will see results from every issue or you won’t pay for it.

When you order Productivetastic below, you’ll receive this package of all seven issues immediately. Here are the articles included…

  • 3 Ways To Defeat Time-Draining Distractions
  • The 4-Step System For Reaching Your Potential
  • My #1 Productivity Strategy Of All-Time
  • The Perfect P.L.A.N.™ For Getting Things Done
  • How To A.D.D.™ 3-5 Hours Of Leftover Time Each Week
  • Eliminating O.N.E.™ Thing For A Major Breakthrough
  • The Real Secret To Staying Focused
  • How To R.E.A.P.™ Something Good From A Day Gone Bad
  • How To Create A 3-Hour Work Schedule
  • My Foolproof Plan For Beating Procrastination
  • Your Internal P.O.W.E.R.™ To Succeed
  • 5 Lessons I Learned From Running 50 Miles
  • How To F.R.E.E.™ Up Time On Your Schedule
  • Creating The Perfect Checklist For Project Productivity
  • How To C.H.O.O.S.E.™ Your Priorities
  • The F.O.C.U.S. ™ Formula For Racking Up Business And Life Wins
  • What I Learned From Running 100 Miles That Can Help You Cross Any Business And Life Finish Line
  • 5 Ways To Make More M.O.N.E.Y.™ From Any Business
  • How To Get Big Projects Done In 21 Days Or Less
  • The Secret Word That Saves Time
  • The Perfect 3-Step System For Completing Projects
  • How To T.H.I.N.K.™ Like A Winner
  • 3 Time-Tested Strategies For Handling Time-Draining Tasks
  • 5 Ways Make Everyday Your Ideal Day
  • The R.E.A.L.™ Secret To Getting Things Done
  • How To F.O.R.M. Successful Habits
  • The Surefire Way To Start And Finish Projects
  • The Progress Principle: 5 Steps To Tackling Big Goals
  • How To Make All The Right Moves By Upgrading Your Decisions
  • My Secret Weapon For Saving Time
  • How To T.W.E.A.K. Your Way To Big Wins
  • 5 Keys To Becoming An Optimist
  • The ‘B Word’ That Successful People Practice
  • How To Make The R.I.G.H.T. Decisions
  • The G.I.V.E. U.P. Method For Getting Things Done

As you can see, this is an incredible resource! Productivetastic is filled with “nothing but meat” in my well-known style of making things simple and easy-to-use.

==>  And for LESS than the cost of a small pizza!

Sounds good?  I think so – Both Jimmy D Brown and Dennis Becker are tremendously successful marketers….

… and the quality of actionable items you’ll receive NOW…..



Grow strong,

Barbara “More Buy Buttons!!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps –  What do you think of the:

T – TIME management

ideas revealed?
