Quick Recap: LAST CALL (ends 11:59pm tonight) – Back to School Special PLR/100K/more sale

Quick Recap: LAST CALL (ends 11:59pm tonight) – Back to School Special PLR/100K/more sale

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and Dennis and I are having a Back To School Sale!

You can see them all at:


Prices have been GREATLY reduced for this sale!

Here is what you’ll see:

Our Featured Offers!

68K In 57 Days

If YOU want to do 3-7 times YOUR normal monthly volume in the next 57 days . . . read on.

If you are starting from scratch – raw scratch, no list, no contacts – and want to bank $3k – $5k before the next season, read on.

But before I dig in, let me say this:

If you choose to dig in, you’ll get 10 strategies from Sean Mize.

Not 1, not 2, but 10.

You’ll see pages and pages of details of how he did it.


All 10 strategies probably won’t fit you.

In fact, some will feel wrong, unethical, immoral.

And maybe they are, who knows?

He runs a much cleaner business today than he did years ago.

Not because he was sleazy or a scumbag or anything, but simply because he didn’t view things the same way he does now.

So some of the strategies he might not touch with a 10 ft pole today.

But they’re ALL in there for you to see… (see remainder of sales page)

235K Words Expert IM Content PLR For Multiple Uses & Membership!


You could take advantage of a boatload of premium content, consisting of over 235,000 words…

…. so virtually *whatever* Evergreen IM topic you’d like to share knowledge on…. or to use as the basis to add your own unique voice to…

… is at your fingertips and ready to go?

Wouldn’t that be grand?

Just think the profit-creating edge you’ll have when YOU are perceived to be THE authority online!… (see remainder of sales page)

How To Get More Buy Buttons Out There… Super Fast


Ask yourself: What’s standing between you and online success…. even online riches?

Most likely, you simply don’t have ENOUGH buy buttons out there.

And as we can both attest, the more buy buttons out there, the more money you’ll make…

… but how to get them out there in front of hungry buyers?

Let us show you how we’ve done it… in this case study… showing a strategy nearly anyone can use to get hundreds of sales, make thousands of dollars, even get Deal of the Day…

…and be on your way to online success the fastest and easiest way possible…

There is a short-cut to achieving a big payday that you can take advantage of … right now!… (see remainder of sales page)


320K Words Expert IM Content PLR For Multiple Uses & Memberships

What if you don’t have everything set up for yourself yet?.

How can you get that kind of authority leverage that takes others decades or forever to create?…

… within less than 24 hours?

Ask yourself: What’s standing between you and the kinds of online success you’ve always dreamed about?

It could be you are not yet perceived as THE authority people want to buy from.

Think about it! If you’re in the market for an exciting new product online, who do YOU want to buy it from?

Joe Earlobe down the street…

Or the marketing authority that everyone follows and trusts and buys from?

See, it’s simple… (see remainder of sales page)


Grow strong,

Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator