👍Quick Recap: Amazon S3 file hosting made easy for beginners? 9 Newbie Friendly videos and..:  QC1: Amazon S3

👍Quick Recap: Amazon S3 file hosting made easy for beginners? 9 Newbie Friendly videos and..: QC1: Amazon S3

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and have you heard of Amazon s3?

It’s an *extremely* cheap way to host big huge massively large files….

It’s great to ensure your launches and products and sites are always available and never go down, even if you get a huge amount of traffic (aka, no Bandwidth Exceeded! issues)

But a problem exists.

The instructions Amazon provides… are VERY techie.

Which is why this is soooo cool


==> How to use Amazon s3 to host all your big downloads, sales pages, mission critical stuff…
made simple!

Your Benefits:  You get 9 newbie friendly videos that make Amazon S3 filehosting easy!


Brief, pithy and to the point:

It’s the worst thing you can imagine.  Your site FINALLY gets lots of traffic…

… or your FB ads pay off and you get lots of traffic…

… or your launch takes off and (all together now!) you get lots of traffic….

So much traffic… your web hosting provider locks your account and you get those horrible




Wouldn’t it be great if there was a newbie-friendly guide to it all?

‘Course it would!  So behold:

==> Newbie Friendly Guide to Amazon S3 hosting!

9 easy to follow videos…


Straight easy instructions….

==> Even newbies can use s3 now!

I think you’ll really enjoy this one….


Grow strong,

Barb “More buy Buttons!”  Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps:   It’s dimesale so price is rising with every purchase!