👍Quick Recap: Did you miss? Autoposting Instagram Software (ver 2.0 is live!): Instamate Luxury Edition 2017

👍Quick Recap: Did you miss? Autoposting Instagram Software (ver 2.0 is live!): Instamate Luxury Edition 2017


Barb Ling here and WOOT!  Version 2.0 is LIVE!


==>  Instamate 2.0!!  Automated Instagram

Your Benefits:  Schedule and monetize Instagram beyond your….


Brief, pithy and to the point…

So there I was, getting ready to take my kids to school after the snowstorm….

… when I realized this is going live TODAY at 9am!!!!
Its THE best-selling Instagram software on JVzoo, freshly updated….

…. and the creator has been steadily updating and improving it month after month…

Now the latest version is live!!

This means….

Instagram becomes set-it-and-forget-it!

And it comes with a bunch of goodies:

An affiliate cloaker link….

A direct Web Instagram Poster and Scheduler….

… a complete content optimizer where you can do 1 click call-to-action buttons…

.. Water marks…..


We’re talking:

Automate your Instagram account for life

Have your Instagram posting the most viral content on the internet daily in ANY niche while engaging with the top brands followers in your niche in complete autopilot.

Monetize your authority sites with 1 click

While having a huge audience is great, the key customers want is to MONETIZE, so we have added in a complete content optimizer to add call to action buttons, watermarks, filters, text & sizing instantly.

Worlds 1st direct web Instagram poster & scheduler

Never need to worry about syncing photos to your phone, using 3rd party apps to edit & setting alarms to remind yourself it’ time to post. Have Instamate post the most viral content 24/7 for you.

Worlds 1st Instagram affiliate cloaker tool included

Instamate gives many ways to monetize the viral content while having a huge reach. One of these ways is by affiliate marketing & we have created a proven software that safely lets you add affiliate links to Instagram for direct 1 click sales.

100% Set & forget

Simply search any keyword, choose which content that’s gone viral previously, edit accordingly with the displayed top hash tags in your niche & hit Schedule, then sit back & watch the leads, engagements and SALES come in.

No need to pay for ads again

Instagrams organic engagement is over DOUBLE that of Facebook & Instagram doesn’t limit organic reach like Facbeook does. Why pay for ads when you can increase your organic reach by millions with Instamate.

First software to ever allow instagram video uploads from your computer

Instagram introduced video upload on mobile in 2016, well now you can upload direct from your computer & repost others videos as well.

First & only tool that allows Instagram Story uploads

One of the biggest updates to Instagram is their stories feature aimed to take over snapchat. Instamate allows you to post directly to your story from your computer in seconds, it’s that simple.

Only Instagram tool that allows account management direct inside your tool

A big request in instamate 1.0 was the ability to be able to delete photos, add captions, comments & more inside instamate, well in 2.0 now you can!

==> Start your journey here!


And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

Instagram Marketing Authority

My own collectin on the best ways to profit with Instagram!

Sounds good?    Gosh yes… and starting at less than $10 for software (high perceived!)…

What’s not to adore?


Grow strong,

Barbara “More Social Profits!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps:  Want to learn more about the enhancements?  Here they be!

Instamate Auto Scheduler

  • Instamate Auto Scheduler dedicates an IP address to the user so they can schedule content, close their computer and have it done for you.
  • Auto scheduler also allows the user to add and automate 2 extra instagram accounts in their instamate dashboard.
  • Perfect solution for those who do not want to leave their browsers open to schedule with their own internet connection in the f/e product.


Instamate VIP Training

  • 6 figure earner training system.
  • Have your list come inside some of my 6 figure instagram pages and see the exacty process I use to create these with Instamate on Autopilot.
  • Again a proven OTO VSL system making it a no brainer to grab.


Image + Video Editor

  • Instamate image editor lets you edit the imagery Instamate finds for you instantly.
  • Use all the filters plus many more that the instagram app has.
  • Allows your audience to add call to actions and make their content unique..
  • Finally you are able to monetize both updates & Ads with Instamate Autobot Cloaker.
  • Have your audience have their content go VIRAL instantly while MONETIZING this content at the same time.
  • Proven OTO VSL system that simply just works.
  • Includes Full Training on how to use this with Instamate.
  • Inetragres seamlessly with Instamate.


Link Cloaker

  • Finally you are able to monetize both updates & Ads with Octosuite Autobot cloacker.
  • Have your audience have their content go VIRAL instantly while MONETIZING this content at the same time.

==> Whatcha waitin’ for?  Woot!