👍Quick Recap: Ends 11:59pm! ==> Dennis Beckers JamPacked End of the Year Blowout Blitz? (each had retailed up to thirty seven: 2016 Year End Bundle

👍Quick Recap: Ends 11:59pm! ==> Dennis Beckers JamPacked End of the Year Blowout Blitz? (each had retailed up to thirty seven: 2016 Year End Bundle

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and Dennis’s offer ends TONIGHT!!


==> Each retailed for $9 or $17 or $27 or $37….

Your benefits:  37 of Dennis’ fantastic releases at rather glorious savings.


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Think of paying Less than $2 each….

5 Bucks a Day (the original book that started it all, and changed my life as well as many who read it)

5 Bucks a Day Revisited (the sequel written 5 years after the original 5BAD book)

Week One Profits – looking for fast income to boost your confidence? Consider this one

The 30 Day Productivity Plan – Get More Done In 30 Days Than You Did All Year…

Kindle Cheats – 10 Incredible New Ways To Write Amazing Kindle Books, Fast

Unlock the Creator in You – Quickly Transform Your Life And Your Business With An Endless Stream Of Amazing Ideas…

Unlock the Coach in You – Here’s How To Become A High-Earning, Successful Business Coach With Dozens Of Happy Clients

==> But that’s not all….
24 Secrets of the World’s Most Successful People – Steal These 24 Secrets Of Success To Finally Earn More And Run Your Business With Unshakable Confidence

The Forgotten Marketing Method – These Forgotten Marketing Tricks Can Help You Earn 4X More From Everything You Do

One Problem Product Creation – Here’s The #1 Easiest And Fastest Way To Write Profitable Mini-Ebooks That Sell Like Crazy

10 Challenges – These 10 Simple 1-Day Challenges Can Double, Triple, or Even Quadruple Your Subscribers, Readers, And Even Your Income…

Abundance Mindset – You Can Have More Wealth, More Freedom, More Happiness… If You Just Learn Some Simple Magic…

Writing Life Histories For Fun and Profit – How to Immortalize Family Histories, Make People Smile For Generations To Come, And Earn A Full Time Income Doing It

Bootstrap Marketing – 5 Simple Methods Help You Pull Yourself Up By The Bootstraps To Earn A Full Time Income In 6 Months

==> And that’s not all….
Starting From Free – How To Become Instantly More Profitable, More Beloved, And More Successful In Your Niche By Giving Away Free Products

Finding Your Flow Zone – The Top-Secret ‘Trick’ That Helps You Earn $100 A Day Or Even Doubles Your Income…

80/20 Power – How To Use This 108-Year-Old Principle To Work Less, Earn More, And Be Happier In Business

500 Bucks a Month – Finally: 7 Powerful Ways To Easily Earn $500 A Month Online

No List, No Contacts, No Problem – 4 Simple Steps In 4 Simple Weeks To Quickly Make Money Online Even If You Have No List, No Contacts, And No Products

15 Ways (to sell more products online) – Now, 15 Ways You Can Sell More Products, Grow Your List, And Become A Major Influencer In Your Niche

Outsourcing For IMers – How To Find Top Talent, Save Money, Get Amazing Results, And Grow Your Business Like Crazy Using The Work Of Others

Kindle Optimization – These Little Known Optimization Tips Are The Fastest, Easiest Way To Unleash A Fountain Rush Of Kindle Book Sales

Unlock Your Ideal Self – Now, Become Your Ideal Self, Earn More, And Feel So Happy You Could Burst

Unlock the Expert in You – Become An Expert on any Topic in 30 Days To Earn More, Achieve More, And Reach Your Goals In Life And Business

==> And that’s not all….


Niche List Success System – Finally… secrets to building profitable email lists in any niche, simply by understanding… “How to make money by improving your barbeque manners!”

Powerful Passive Profits – Here’s How You Can Create Your Own Multiple Passive Income Streams — The Real Way To Earn Money In Your Sleep

100K Bucks a Year – 5+ Ways to Earn 6 Figures a Year Online

Unlock the Prolific Writer in You! – How To Easily Write Vast Amounts of High-Profit Content That Sells, Builds Your Business, And Boosts Your Authority

Do This Then That Systems – Simplify, Organize, Profit, And More Than Double Your Chances Of Business Success With These Super-Simple, Fun, Step-By-Step Systems

Better Habits, Bigger Profits – 30 Super-Simple Daily Success ‘Nuggets’ Turn Your Business Upside Down, Making It Easier For You To Be Happier, Wealthier, And Living A Life Of Your Own Design

60 Minute Marketer – How Working 60 Minutes Per Day Can Transform You Into a High-Earning Niche Marketer

Community Marketing – Here’s Your Unbeatable, Future-Proof Strategy For Connecting With Your Audience, Making More Sales, And Becoming The Magnetic Hero Your Customers Can’t Get Enough Of

Unlock the Teacher in You! – Here’s The Best Way To Quickly Become A Highly Effective Teacher, Coach, Or Mentor

Unlock the Ideas in You – Unlock The Ideas In You: Easy Ways To Generate Powerfully Profitable Business Ideas: For Startups, Marketers, And Entrepreneurs

==> And that’s not all….


Viral Traffic Cookbook – 15 Incredible Ways to ‘Cook Up’ Massive Amounts of Viral Traffic Using Mostly Free, Hands-Off Methods

The 5X10 Method – Grow Your Email List, Attract Your Audience, and Make More Money With Quick, Easy Content Using This Never-Seen-Before Method

Earn 4X More – How You Can Earn 4X More From Your Info-products Using ‘Secret’ Smart Marketing and These Little-Known and Often Overlooked Tips and Tricks…

Standing in Front of Money – Finally, Learn The Closely Held Secrets To ‘Standing In Front Of the Money’ In Super-Hot Niches, And Turn Your Internet Marketing Fortune Around For Good…

How to Be Happier in Life and Business – Here’s How to Be Happier in Life and Business For Higher Profits, Less Stress, and More Fun

==> Start your journey here!

Sounds good?   I think so – Bunches of these are complete, 100s of pages learning blueprints….

Its really quite the amazing offer.


Grow strong,

Barbara “More Buy Buttons!” Ling

ps – What did you think of the quality?