👍Quick Recap: Update and Coupon: [ Instagram ] See what’s happening today with The Automation Software is now 7 plus months and…: Instamate Basic Edition

👍Quick Recap: Update and Coupon: [ Instagram ] See what’s happening today with The Automation Software is now 7 plus months and…: Instamate Basic Edition

Hey there,

It's now more than 6 months since Instamate was released...

... and the benefits the buyers have received!

Here's the latest from 2 days ago by the creator:

"Hey team :D So next Weds the 13th at 6:00 PM EST I'm going to be running my first webinar with ME ONLY on it dedicated purely to Instagram.

Instagram has been going through some big changes over the past 3 months so I want to cover those topics with you all :)

You guys will be learning:

1-> what Instagram has changed/updated as of recent

2-> what are the current best strategies to use with Instagram

3-> How to go from 0-5000 followers in 4 week plan of attack.

4-> Free methods to engage with your audience

5-> How to automate your Instagram engagements 24/7...."

As you can tell... the group and software is only getting stronger and stronger!

In a nutshell.... this stuff works.
Use coupon instacoffee to drop the price of Lifetime!

But not only that.... 1.5 months ago, the developer wrote:

"Okay so June 1st (Today) was the 'deadline day' for Instagram new API changes to be made, a LOT of apps went out of business today and with others a lot were made.

So today we found out the partner app we use to gather the instagram content ICONOSQUARE 100% changed EVERYTHING inside their setup... meaning the content grabbing section and trending topics inside Instamate stopped working...

We knew this was coming and had our team on standby and literally within just a few hours we now have EVERYTHING updated with the new Iconosquare and everything is business as usual :)

Big thanks to our Dev team who are always here on standby for anything needed :D"

Isn't that grand overdelivery?

And guess what...

I have a coupon just for people in my list.....

Talk about overdelivery!
Use coupon instacoffee to drop the price of Lifetime!

And if you're not familiar with the product...

Earlier I alerted you to the nifty Automate-Your-Instagram goodie that just went live!

And if you're wondering, Jeepers self, should I get this?  Let me spell out the benefits for you.

If You Already USE Instagram:

* It allows you to use Instagram from your desktop, not just your phone

* You can find the hottest trending content on FB, Twitter, and Instagram, and then share that (automatically!)

* Enables you to get *organic* traffic (read: no ad costs!)

* Provides you with the list of top hash tags in your niche

* Makes it easier to monetize!

and so much more... watch the video to see....

Use coupon instacoffee to drop the price of Lifetime!

If you don't already use Instagram but want to know the benefits:

* It's the worlds' fastest growing social network (read: build your list and reach)

* There are over 400 milion active users (biggggggg audience!)

* Engagement levels are 52x GREATER than FB (read:  more people will see/interact with you on Instagram than FB)

* 127x the engagement level compared to Twitter (and did you know - you can tie your Instagram account to Twitter/FB/Tumblr and more, meaning everything that you share THERE... will be shared on THOSE additional profiles too.... automatically!)

Instagram is here to stay... and a LIFETIME option is available
Use coupon instacoffee to drop the price of Lifetime!

So what does it all mean?

Instagram becomes set-it-and-forget-it!

And the enhancements?

* An affiliate cloaker link....

* A direct Web Instagram Poster and Scheduler....

* a complete content optimizer where you can do 1 click call-to-action buttons...

* Water marks.....

* Enhanced image editing....

* VIP Training....

* A 30 Accounts Key....

Start your Journey Here!
Use coupon instacoffee to drop the price of Lifetime!

And because this is a solo offer, purchase thru my link and immediately receive:

Instagram authority Tutorials

which gives you my collections of Instagram tutorials online!

Sounds good?  I think so - Instagram is *hot*.....

And this makes it profitable!

Grow strong,

Barbara "More Clicks!" Ling

==> ps -  Bonuses too... Look here!
Use coupon instacoffee to drop the price of Lifetime!


Barb Ling