6 Ways To Monetize Your Expertise With AI (in 2024)

6 Ways To Monetize Your Expertise With AI (in 2024)

6 ways to monetize your expertise with AI (add a revenue stream)

Luke Matthews

AI is going to be responsible for countless millionaires and billionaires. Even the words “millionaire” and “billionaire” have AI in them, there’s a huge clue. What if you could be one of those winners? If you made the right moves, asked the right questions, and grabbed opportunities with both hands to see them through to success. It’s entirely possible.

The playing field is wide open and any ambitious person can start right now. Start your career in AI without being technical, or monetize your expertise in countless ways. Here are six you might want to try today, learning from those just a few steps ahead.

Monetize your expertise with AI: 6 ways to get rich in 2024

Build your creator career

People who show up online are building audiences that they can monetize. There’s no denying that leveraging writing platforms and social media, adding value to a specific audience, and not giving up, can open doors and opportunities that those not publishing can’t access. Build your audience by writing about a topic you love, and use AI to create the content.

With a loyal audience, you can sell courses, consultancy, sponsorship or products. You can build a community, do affiliate marketing, or charge to speak at events. Become a creator by leveraging AI for writing. Ghostwriter Luke Matthews has successfully done this with LinkedIn, and he’s helping others do the same. With a LinkedIn audience of 143,000, he shares guides on how to write content with AI tools, so you can outproduce the competition and benefit from online exposure.

Choose your niche, define your audience, then create content that speaks to their exact needs, powered by AI. Charge for the content itself, or make money from the audience the content builds. Either way, get started now.

Become a prolific author

Change your life with books. Not by reading them, by writing them. Books are being bought and read and online marketplaces like Amazon have made it simple for anyone to become an author. You don’t need a publisher, you don’t need an audience, just write something good and see how your work spreads.

Nick Di Fabio is an ebook publisher and Amazon KDP expert. He bootstrapped his publishing from zero to over $1million in royalties. He helps publishers escape the competition and dominate international markets, and authors make more profit from their work. He uses LinkedIn to share strategies, including what he’d do if he had to start from scratch and how to use AI to create an entire book that you can self-publish on Amazon.

Di Fabio’s 5-step process, all using tools like ChatGPT, involves niche selection, title and subtitle creation, building your outline, creating the content itself, then using Midjourney and DALL-E to design the cover. How many books could you publish if you were AI-powered? How much could you make in royalties if you made a plan and didn’t stop producing? Create entire ebooks with ChatGPT and build an impressive business.

Start an AI consultancy

While entrepreneurs are scrambling to figure out how to learn about AI and apply it to their business, others are building brand new businesses to show them the way. Allie K. Miller books 60 and 30-minute 1-to-1s that help businesses become AI-first. She’s been in AI since college, but you don’t need her extensive experience to carve out your own niche.

In 2023 Kathy Basel started helping coaches market themselves with AI, combining her experience as a transformational coach with a passion for AI. Her journey is one you could replicate. Learn how people in your industry can best use AI, then teach them how to do it. Basel said she “understands first-hand the challenges that purpose-driven business owners have in terms of messaging, marketing and most of all mindset,” which sets her up perfectly to teach AI skills to these people, in multiple ways including mentoring and sharing her free Authentic AI content planner.

Understanding every aspect of AI isn’t required to consult on the topic. If you know your industry, and how your work adds value to a specific audience, you could monetize your expertise in how people like you level up with AI.

Create an AI version of you

If you ask ChatGPT, “what makes a healthy relationship?” it will give you an answer. The answer is based on the 570GB of datasets the program was trained on, including web pages, books, and other sources. In other words, an amalgamation of the internet. If you ask enough people for their opinion, the result will be weak, stereotypical and generic. Opposing strong beliefs will cancel each other out to leave something in the middle. Neither here nor there.

Experts in their field are using this downfall of large language models to their advantage. They uploaded their content and configured an AI model to become an AI version of them, to provide AI coaching to their audience for a monthly fee. Many are making healthy revenue monetizing their expertize in this way.

Relationship coach Stefanos Sifandos built an AI version of him to draw on his unique expertise to help his clients. Trained on his specific beliefs, methods and frameworks on areas such as trauma-informed methodologies, developmental psychology and nervous system regulation, AI Stef gives information and guidance his clients couldn’t get without consuming his content, tailored to their challenges in a text-based chat. Rick Mulready applies a similar model to PickRicksBrainAI, a $37 per month subscription to an AI coach trained on Mulready’s expertise in online marketing. Monetize your expertise by becoming an AI coach, for truly passive income and the chance to make more impact.

Curate information

With the explosion in AI tools, news and expertise required to harness its potential, AI newsletters and content sites have been gaining in popularity and subscriber numbers since first hitting publish. AI Tool Report promises that you can “learn AI in just 5 minutes a day,” The Rundown AI offers “the latest developments in AI before anyone else, and Ben’s Bites shares deep dives on business use cases on a weekly basis. Other AI news sites target entrepreneurs seeking to grow.

You might think you’re too late to join this game, but you’re wrong. Just as AI consultants can niche down for success and clients, the same is true for curating information. You don’t need to speak to every business owner out there, just the ones in a specific industry. Curate AI news for teachers, coaches, or coffee shop owners. Speak directly to people that have been laid off, want to secure press for their brand, or do more with fewer team members.

If you can understand the hopes, dreams, fears and challenges of a specific audience, you can curate information that they want to hear and charge them for access. You can learn how to use AI to solve their problems and pass the learnings on. Save them time and money and earn more yourself. This route can be win-win.

Build your own tool

Business owners are trying to solve problems to make progress and build their business. Before, they looked for people and information to solve the problem. Now, they look for tools. AI tools can help you automate processes and do more with less, you just need to know where to look. Build the tool you know people are looking for; it’s easier than you think.

Jean-Christophe Bouglé understands video. Running iLathys Pte Ltd since 2012 has seen him work in video, technology, and business development for a range of clients on multiple projects. He saw an opportunity to combine this expertise with AI, to solve a problem he knew his clients had. What followed was Storyboard Hero, an online platform to create storyboards using AI. This business solved Bougle’s own problem first, giving him confidence it would do the same for others.

You don’t have to dream up a brand new business idea. The insight might be closer to home. Go back to basics, start experimenting with AI, then build something you want to use. It’s possible to build a prototype for less than a thousand dollars. Use it yourself then roll it out and charge for access. Be the biggest fan of your own tool to make sales without even trying.

Turn your knowledge and experience into business success with AI

You have knowledge, methods and expertise. You have talent in droves. Combined with AI, this could make you millions. Look where others aren’t looking and get started today. When they are scared, you’re ambitious. When they are waiting it out, you’re charging ahead. The opportunities are endless, so begin your journey and don’t look back.

Build your creator career by producing online, establishing your audience and growing a personal brand. Become a prolific author with the existing tools and a commitment to doing the work. Start an AI consultancy around a specific niche, become the AI coach your audience really needs, or curate information to help others progress. Solve your own problems then share the results, which might mean building your own tool.

If you want to make money in AI, now is the time. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by, get stuck in and see what you can do.

Originally Appeared Here