5 Tips To Boost Your Mental Health

5 Tips To Boost Your Mental Health

Man swimming. Photo – Pexels / Kindel Media

Every year, about 6 million men suffer from depression, but like other mental and emotional health conditions, it often goes underdiagnosed.

Although the discourse around mental health has made significant progress, men’s wellbeing remains inadequately addressed. This is due to societal stereotypes and the prevailing cultural narrative surrounding masculinity, which often hinders men from addressing their emotional struggles or seeking help.

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Here are five tips to help boost your mental health:

1. Practice mindfulness

With so much going on in life, from running daily errands to constantly thinking of what bill is due, it is easy to lose sight of the simple but beautiful things in life. Practising mindfulness can help you develop a positive outlook, enjoy life, and become self-aware.

Mindfulness involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. By living in the moment, you can become aware of intrusive thoughts and how they affect your wellbeing. Additionally, mindfulness helps you reconnect with your body and recognise signs of stress and anxiety. So, take a moment to notice the smells, sounds, tastes, and sights around you.

2. Stay active

Empirical studies show that engaging in physical activity not only benefits physical health but also improves mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. During physical activities, the brain releases ‘feel-good’ chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin, which boost mood and energy, relieve stress, and enhance self-esteem. Physical activities need not be restricted to the gym; try swimming, running, walking, or any other activity you enjoy.

3. Learn new hobbies and skills

Learning skills and trying out hobbies have been linked to improved mental wellbeing. Completing tasks or earning certifications for skills you are interested in can boost self-confidence, help you connect with others with similar interests, and provide a sense of purpose. Try out DIY projects, new recipes, or career-related courses. However, avoid activities that do not interest you, as they may negatively impact your mental health.

4. Give back to society

There is nothing like the feeling of knowing your acts of kindness or work positively impact others’ lives. Giving back to society creates positive feelings and a sense of purpose and self-worth, helping you connect with people. You don’t have to save the planet from attack to achieve this; giving compliments or volunteering in your community can make a significant difference.

5. Build real-life connections

Mental health A man hanging out with his family. Photo – Pexels / August de Richelieu

The digitalisation of our world makes it easier to connect with anyone from any part of the world, but it can also lead to the decline of real-life connections. Good relationships where you can see and touch one another are essential in mental health. The absence of this could lead to loneliness and in extreme cases, depression. Schedule time to meet your loved ones physically at least once a week. Speak to a colleague over lunch; they might have answers to questions that keep you up at night.

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