5 Tips That Help You Overcome Imposter Syndrome

5 Tips That Help You Overcome Imposter Syndrome

The importance of seeking professional help when symptoms impair functioning.

Imposter syndrome is an internal experience that supports. You can navigate through these feelings and achieve your full potential with perseverance and the right tools.

Written by Tavishi Dogra |Updated : September 17, 2024 2:58 PM IST

A man aged 37 years was a very successful entrepreneur. He had built companies that we were sold at significant value. He received a lot of praise and admiration from the outside world. However, the core feelings remained “this is just luck”, “this was a fluke”, “people will soon find out I’m a fraud”, etc. These feelings came in the way of him acknowledging his success, and he remained stuck in a negative cycle of feeling inadequate. He experienced the “Imposter Syndrome”.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is a pervasive sense of self-doubt and unworthiness that can affect individuals despite evident success and achievements. These feelings often lead to anxiety, stress, and a lack of self-confidence; here’s how, explains Deepti Chandy, Therapist and COO Anna Chandy and Associates:

  1. Discuss childhood sentiments with a therapist: Feelings of not being good enough often have deep-rooted origins, sometimes tracing back to childhood experiences. Exploring these sentiments with a therapist can provide valuable insights and healing. The underlying causes of your imposter syndrome include past experiences of criticism, high parental expectations, or a lack of validation. By working through these issues in therapy, you can develop healthier self-perceptions and build resilience against imposter syndrome.
  2. Recognize the presence of imposter syndrome: Acknowledging that you are experiencing it is a critical step towards overcoming it. Often, these feelings go unrecognized, leaving individuals trapped in a cycle of self-doubt. By identifying and naming these feelings, you can understand where they stem from and how they manifest in your life. Recognizing the presence of imposter syndrome allows you to separate your feelings from reality and take proactive steps to address them.
  3. Evaluate your skills realistically: Frequently, imposter syndrome leads to a distorted self-view, causing individuals to underestimate their abilities and question their value. To counter this, assess your professional achievements objectively and consider the value you bring to your role or industry trusted colleagues or mentors who realistically evaluate your perceived and actual competence.
  4. Practice self-validation: As you achieve success, it is crucial to allow yourself to self-validate. Many individuals struggling with imposter syndrome find it difficult to give themselves credit for their accomplishments. By consistently validating yourself, you can build a stronger sense of self-worth and counteract feelings of being an imposter.
  5. Concentrate on the facts: One practical approach to overcoming imposter syndrome is to focus on the facts. When plagued by feelings of unworthiness, we often ignore reality and dwell on negative self-perceptions. Reflect on your accomplishments, qualifications, and positive feedback from colleagues, mentors, or clients.

Imposter syndrome is an internal experience that supports. You can navigate through these feelings and achieve your full potential with perseverance and the right tools.


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