3 Ways to Make Money With Gig Work in 2024

3 Ways to Make Money With Gig Work in 2024

Gig workers, digital nomads, and remote workers are changing the face of the global workforce market. Many people in comfortable situations have recently decided to leave their 9-5 jobs and take up part-time, freelance, and gig-based collaborations. 

Even more people from developing countries have embraced those modern work models because such arrangements have helped them improve their income and lifestyle. 

For all the above, we’ve prepared a concise guide on the three cost-effective ways to make money gigging in 2024 and beyond. 

Let’s kick this off with video games. For a long time, gaming was reserved only for kids, teenagers, and rare adult enthusiasts. In the meantime, those teenagers and kids have become adult gaming enthusiasts. Now this community counts its global members in tens of millions of avid gamers. And they can start earning money in several ways only by playing their favorite computer games online. 


For starters, they can compete in gaming tournaments. Of course, you’d need considerate preparation to become good enough a player to qualify for a final tournament in games such as FIFA 24, NBA 2K24, Call of Duty, or DOTA.

There’s an option of recording and/or livestreaming yourself during your gaming sessions. Such material would help both the livestreamer and their audience get ready for a potential gaming tournament. 

The iGaming market is also worth mentioning, as it’s seen rapid growth recently. Played from mobile, desktops, or laptops, iGaming platforms offer free trials and rich deposits, so that people can actually learn how to play certain games before they turn to the real stuff. Be it websites with limited access for those more careful ones, or non-GamStop casinos, which provide greater playing freedom, such sites can also bring earnings to gamers (source: https://www.sportscasting.com/online-casinos/casinos-not-on-gamstop-uk/). 

Writing business content for social media is one of the most wanted gigs in 2024. This is so because many companies, especially software enterprises, have introduced austerity measures in the last couple of years, budget-wise. Hence, some of them now collaborate with external writers and agencies, rather than burdening their payroll with full-time marketers. 

Those of you planning to start gigging this way should know two vital things, though: there will be clients who will want you to use AI, thinking that would lower your price as a writer. On the other hand, some prospects will require the opposite: no AI, only human-produced social media copy. In theory, the latter are the ones you should reach out to. In practice, get ready for substantial negotiations, but this is also a great chance for every new gigster to sell their services at the desired rates. Prior to any of these, take a glance at the Hootsuite’s guide to writing social media biz content in 2024. 

The third frugal way of making money online is selling stock photos. It sounds great to take photos in the environment you live in, sell them online, and make a living, right? Truth be told, it’s not that simple, but it is more feasible than some other online endeavors. 

For starters, you should already be a fair photographer or start learning how to become one. Talking to experienced photographers, gathering information through forums, and enrolling in a course or two should help you improve your skills. Also, consider getting the right photo gear so that the photos you make are accepted on stock photo websites. 

Finally, you’ll need to use some photo editing software to polish the raw photos you take. Then you can start offering your work to both stock platforms and companies. After all, why not try to sell those photos directly to the gaming and iGaming platforms mentioned earlier in this guide, such as offshore casinos, or other business entities? 

With all the tips described above, this gig would still be much more affordable than some other activities that would include buying raw materials, making and selling tangible products, and cover the shipping fees. Once you conquer one or more of the activities above, feel free to expand the smorgasbord of your services to the global audience. 


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