25 Best Quotes About Love & Romance

25 Best Quotes About Love & Romance


  • Relationships in
    The Office
    showcase love through insightful and beautiful quotes.
  • Characters grow and learn together, making
    The Office
    an incredibly romantic show beneath the laugh-out-loud humor.
  • The series demonstrates the importance of communication and putting happiness first in relationships.

While The Office is known for its funny moments, there is also romance involved and this has allowed for some great The Office love quotes throughout the show’s run. While Michael Scott (Steve Carell) and Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) didn’t have the best of luck in the romance department, they seem to gain a new perspective on love as they go through several relationships or watch their colleagues fall in love. It also wasn’t just Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) or Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer) coming up with the most romantic quotes.

Whether it was because of Jim and Pam’s fairy tale love story, Michael and Holly’s transcendental story, or Dwight and Angela’s chaotic romance, viewers enjoyed seeing each character grow and learn new experiences together. It always delights viewers to see characters talk about their thoughts and feelings in their confessionals because they always come up with the most insightful and beautiful The Office love quotes. It helped the show become known as a comfort show for countless fans.


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25 “It’s Like A Long Book That You Never Want To End.”

Pam Beesley, Season 9, Episode 23 – “Finale”

The Office series finale came in season 9, episode 23, and it was, unsurprisingly, a sentimental sendoff for the beloved show. As such, it was a source of plenty of romantic The Office quotes, with many words about love and friendship that capture the deep feelings the characters had for one-another and, at a meta level, audiences and the cast alike had for the show itself.

“And you’re fine with that because, you just never want to leave it.”

“Finale” had an incredibly romantic plot as is, since one of the key focuses was the wedding of Dwight and Angela. However, it was also a flash-forward, with the cast of the in-universe documentary returning to shoot DVD extras, which led to a fair few memorable The Office love quotes. One particularly poignant one came from Pam, who compared her romance with Jim to the Harry Potter books at a Q&A with fans of the fictional documentary.

24 “There Were A Lot Of Reasons To Call Off My Wedding. But The Truth Is, I Didn’t Care About Any Of Those Reasons Until I Met You.”

Pam Beesly, Season 3, Episode 23 – “Beach Games”

“Beach Games” was the penultimate episode of The Office season 3, and as such several key plotlines came to a head, one of which being Pam’s feelings for Jim and her frustration that he was now with someone else. While it wasn’t a positive moment for Pam as a character, it still led to one of the best The Office romance quotes, as she explained the depth of her feelings to Jim in a way that was hard for him to ignore.

While it would still take several episodes before Pam and Jim became an item, this moment is still one of the best
The Office
love quotes that stem from their story.

Pam, with the help of the courage that comes with alcohol, let Jim know that he was pretty much the sole reason she didn’t marry Roy. She fully acknowledges there were plenty of valid reasons to call off the wedding, but if it wasn’t for her feelings for Jim, she would have gone ahead and married Roy anyway. While it would still take several episodes before Pam and Jim became an item, this moment is still one of the best The Office love quotes that stem from their story.

23 “This Is Where I Fell In Love With You, And This Is Where I Ask You To Marry Me.”

Michael Scott, Season 7, Episode 18 – “Garage Sale”

Throughout most of The Office, Michael Scott shows that he’s not the most adept when it comes to love, despite the fact that he believes otherwise. He stumbles through blunder after blunder with his various partners from Jan through to Carol, and even though Holly was Michael’s final love interest in The Office, he still had to overcome plenty of obstacles before they became an item — most of which he created for himself.

However, one thing Michael Scott did right in The Office was his proposal to Holly, which was so romantic there was no way the answer could be anything other than a resounding yes. This particular romantic The Office quote comes from Michael’s proposal to Holly in season 7’s “Garage Sale”. Michael walked Holly through a tour of the Dunder Mifflin Scranton building, pointing out all the otherwise-mundane areas that were incredibly significant to him due to moments in their relationship they represented, finishing with where he was going to propose, which he then promptly did.

22 “This Expresses How Loudly I Love You!”

Dwight Schrute, Season 9, Episode 22 – “A.A.R.M.”

This The Office romance quote may seem a little odd, but that’s because it comes from Dwight Schrute who, despite his eccentricities, understands how to woo the woman he loves (although this is because said woman, Angela, is just as stange as he is). Dwight yells his affection to Angela through a megaphone, which he promptly tells her is necessary to fully convey just how deeply he cares about her, implying that speaking at normal volume isn’t enough.

This is a ring, taken from the buttocks of my grandmother, put there by the gangster patriarch of the Coors dynasty, melted in a foundry run by Mennonites.

This love quote is followed by an incredibly sentimental moment in The Office too, as Dwight then promptly proposes to Angela after putting the megaphone down. However, the “aww” aspect doesn’t detract from the hilarity of the show either, as Dwight proposes in true Schrute fashion by giving the engagement ring an incredibly bizarre backstory. Of course, since Angela and Dwight were made for each other, she says yes.

21 “Wow, You Love Me-Love Me. I Love You-Love You.”

Holly Flax, Season 7, Episode 16 – “PDA”

This romantic The Office quote is another of several spawned from the relationship between Holly and Michael, although this one comes from Holly during a period when the office is trying to crack down on public displays of affection in the workplace. In the aptly-titled season 7 episode “PDA”, Michael struggles with not being able to show his affection for Holly at work on Valentines’ day. These bottled-up emotions eventually spill over, and he professes that — despite the fact they’ve only been dating for a week — he loves her.

“I love-you-love-you”
has since gone on to be a sentiment expressed to one-another by many couples who share a passion for
The Office.

Holly is taken aback, but admits that she reciprocates Michael’s feelings. However, in a moment that shows just why Holly and Michael work so well as a couple, she expresses it in a cute, albeit strangely worded, way, and “I love-you-love-you” has since gone on to be a sentiment expressed to one-another by many couples who share a passion for The Office.

20 “I Just… I Just Want You To Be Happy. OK?”

Pete Miller In Season 9, Episode 15 – “Couples Discount”

Pete (Jake Lacy) was one of the last characters to join The Office, but he still managed to get in at least one memorable romance quote despite his relatively short amount of screen time. Not only did he treat Erin (Ellie Kemper) with kindness and respect, but Pete also proved to be a selfless person, as he always put other people’s happiness ahead of his own. This was certainly the case when it came to the love triangle between Andy, Erin, and Pete, as the Customer Service Representative didn’t try to convince Erin to be with him or force her to break up with Andy.

Pete told Erin that he would be okay with whatever decision she made.

Rather, Pete told Erin that he would be okay with whatever decision she made because he just wanted her to be happy. Some viewers might be able to relate to this because that’s what most people want for their partners (or their exes if they end a relationship amicably). A relationship won’t work if only one person is happy, so it’s important to keep strong communication skills and a clear head.


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19 “Just So You Know, I Don’t Care About Where We Get Married.”

Andy Bernard In Season 5, Episode 6 – “Customer Survey”

Angela (Angela Kinsey) and Andy might not be the most popular couple on The Office, but they even had some endearing moments that were quite sweet and heartwarming. Before he called off the wedding, fans could see how genuinely excited Andy had been about getting married. However, it wasn’t because of the preparations themselves, but because he would be spending the rest of his life with Angela.

“All I Care About Is That We’re Gonna Spend The Rest Of Our Lives Together.”

Many couples might be able to understand what Andy is saying with this romantic The Office quote. While the wedding ceremony is important to many, there are also many couples who don’t care about the venue, decorations, or other traditions. What’s most important for them is that they will be spending the day together and celebrating their love. They will be taking another important step in their relationship to prove how much it means to them — and this was exactly how Andy felt about Angela.

18 “Four Years Ago, I Was Just A Guy Who Had A Crush On A Girl.”

Jim Halpert In Season 6, Episode 4 – “Niagara: Part 1”

It’s no secret Pam and Jim’s relationship was one of the best parts of The Office, as the viewers got to witness the highs and lows of their romance. Full of grand gestures, epic confessions, and intriguing storylines, no one could get enough of the couple as they overcame a lot of obstacles to be together. It was one of the most well-executed will they/won’t they plots in sitcom history, and the pay-off for viewers when they finally found one-another was huge.

It’s no surprise then that many of the best romantic quotes in The Office are focused on Jim and Pam, especially when it comes to the episode in which they get married, season 6’s “Niagara”. Jim’s wedding speech is essentially a monologue that’s packed from start to finish with tremendous and highly quotable sentiments about his love for Pam, and one of the best his simple appraisal of his situation when he and Pam first met.

17 “I Think We All Deserve To Be With Someone Who Wants To Be With Us.”

Phyllis Vance In Season 5, Episode 26 – “Casual Friday”

While Phyllis (Phyllis Smith) didn’t exactly have as many central storylines as the other main characters, when she did, viewers learned Phyllis was one of the wisest and most caring individuals on the show. Although many people would say that Oscar and Pam were the voices of reason, Phyllis did prove to be just as useful as she managed to bring comfort to those in pain.

Many people who have gone through a similar experience would agree that Phyllis was right here too — everyone deserves to be with someone who isn’t ashamed to be seen next to them.

Dwight might have initially believed that Phyllis was being harsh when she said this line, but it’s not surprising that he quickly changed his mind. If Angela’s feelings for Dwight were genuine, she wouldn’t want to keep it a secret. She would want to be with him. Many people who have gone through a similar experience would agree that Phyllis was right here too — everyone deserves to be with someone who isn’t ashamed to be seen next to them.

16 “Nobody Knows Our Future, But It’s Not Going To Be Decided By The Company.”

Holly Flax In Season 7, Episode 15 – “PDA”=

It may have taken Michael and Holly a while to get their relationship right, but when they did, it was worth the wait. Although they had to overcome some major obstacles, including long-distance and new romances, Michael and Holly weren’t going to allow anyone else to dictate what would happen in their relationship and were taking control of their destiny.

“It’s Not Gonna Be Decided By Anybody But Us. What We Are Is Up To You And Me.”

While Michael often challenged Holly’s advice, since they sometimes had opposing beliefs, this was one thing that they agreed on. Many people had got involved in their relationship and either told them to move on or attempted to separate them. It was quite sweet that something kept drawing them to each other. It is certainly a situation that some people would find quite relatable too, since many couples have likely gone through similar circumstances.

15 “Not Enough For Me? You Are Everything.”

Jim Halpert In Season 9, Episode 23 – “A.A.R.M.”

While Pam and Jim’s relationship had gone from strength to strength in the first eight seasons, their relationship became a bit strained by the last one as they were going through a few problems. While they did seem to resolve their issues, there was a brief lingering doubt from Pam that Jim might end up resenting her in the future, and they could lose what they had.

While Jim was known to come up with some iconic romantic lines, this one stood out the most as it finally showed that he wasn’t going to take her for granted anymore. Pam had always made huge compromises in their relationship, ones that Jim didn’t return, so it was nice to see him tell her how much she meant to him.

14 “One Thing That Will Make You Give Up On Everything You Thought You Knew…”

Jim Halpert In Season 9, Episode 23 – “A.A.R.M.”

Pam and Jim may be the source of many of the best romantic quotes from The Office, but not all of these are because of happy moments, with some stemming from rocky periods that they worked through as a couple. Season 9 proved to be pivotal for Jim and Pam’s relationship, as one of their best storylines showed that not all was well in their marriage. Still, it was nice to see that the pair were working towards resolving their issues because they believed they had something worth fighting for.

“…Every instinct, every rational calculation, love.”

Although Jim made a few sacrifices near the end, he admitted that he had no qualms about giving up his plans and ambitions because they were meaningless in comparison to the life he had with Pam. It might seem like an irrational decision but, at the end of the day, many people would certainly give up their dreams if it meant that their loved ones could be happy.


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13 “Would I Rather Be Feared Or Loved? Easy, Both.”

Michael Scott In Season 6, Episode 2 – “The Fight”

Michael Scott may be an unlikely source of romantic wisdom, though he has had several moments where he’s shown that he’s surprisingly astute when it comes to matters of the heart. However, for each of these, there are several hilarious yet incredibly memorable love quotes in The Office from Michael that are timeless for no reason other than the fact they’re ridiculous. Such is the case with this laugh-out-loud line from season 6.

“I Want People To Be Afraid Of How Much They Love Me.”

Although Michael is talking about how he wants his employees to view him as a boss, this quote can still be hilariously applied to romance. Michael is known for throwing himself into his romantic relationships completely, and it’s an endearing character trait. However, sometimes it can get overwhelming and creepy, like when he photoshopped his face onto his new girlfriend Carol’s ski trip photos with her kids. It’s certainly true that it’s a little scary how much Michel loves his partners, but he finally found his perfect match in Holly.

12 “You Just Gotta Do Everything You Can To Get The One Woman Who’s Gonna Make All This Worth It.”

Jim Halpert In Season 9, Episode 23 – “A.A.R.M.”

Most of the early seasons of the show saw Jim’s character trying his best to convince Pam that they were meant to be together. Jim hardly focused on his work at the office, unless it was coming up with plans to prank Dwight, and mostly he focused on spending time with Pam and slowly falling in love with her for her to realize she also loves him back.

“At The End Of The Day, You Gotta Jump.”

Jim put himself out there for the woman he loved, and it paid off in the best way possible. In The Office season 9 he comes out with one of the best romantic quotes in the show when he says it was all worth the wait for her to decide. Patience was a key theme in the narrative of Pam and Jim’s relationship, and this line demonstrates that perhaps better than any other.

11 “I Wish There Was Some Way To Know You’re In The Good Old Days Before You’ve Left Them.”

Andy Bernard In Season 9, Episode 25 – “Finale”

This line from Andy Bernard isn’t just one of the most memorable quotes from The Office that can be applied to matters of the heart, but it’s one of the most quoted in the show overall. Although Andy is talking about his days working at Dunder Mifflin in the finale of the series, it’s still a sentimental The Office love quote that’s romantic at its center. Andy is nostalgic for the old days with his co-workers even though he’s in a good place in his life working at Cornell in the finale.

For viewers who are still pining over a lost love or failed relationship, this
The Office
quote is especially poignant.

The nostalgic sentiment is incredibly relatable and could easily be applied to a romantic relationship. It also comes across as a sad comment, as Andy went through his own heartbreak in The Office over the years. For viewers who are still pining over a lost love or failed relationship, this The Office quote is especially poignant.

10 “Everything I Have I Owe To This Job… This Stupid, Wonderful, Boring, Amazing Job.”

Jim Halpert In Season 9, Episode 25 – “Finale”

In the series finale, Jim reflects on his life and his job. He talks about the fact that it was because of his boring, everyday job that he married his wife and started a family. This quote is relatable because it points out how even a less-than-glamorous job can bring good things, and is a romantic quote from The Office that speaks to the everyday moments that build a life over time.

It is also a lovely The Office love quote that shows he knows his job is why he ended up meeting Pam, whom he married on the show. What makes this quote from the last episode of The Office especially noteworthy is how much it juxtaposes many of Jim’s lines from the pilot. In the first episode of the show Jim is beyond un-enthused about his career at Dunder Mifflin, so this quote from the finale showcases just how much he’s emotionally developed across the nine seasons that followed.

Dwight Schrute In Season 4, Episode 2 – “Fun Run”

While Jim and Pam might be the pairing that created most of the best romantic quotes in The Office, they’re not the only relationship to form over the course of the show. Dwight and Angela are another couple that get together in The Office, though theirs is a much rockier journey. While they both might be kind of odd, they work together rather well. It’s no surprise then that Dwight and Angela are the source of many romantic moments in the show too, and — like Pam and Jim — there are more than a few that stem from moments when they found themselves at odds and needed to reconcile.

Such is the case with this romantic, and hilarious, quote from The Office season 4 episode “Fun Run”. When Dwight kills Angela’s cat, and she breaks up with him, he has a hard time letting go and accepting what happened. This is relatable, as it’s often hard to move on from a relationship, and Dwight was already awkward enough.

8 “When You’re A Kid, You Assume Your Parents Are Soulmates. My Kids Are Gonna Be Right About That.”

Pam Beesly In Season 5, Episode 13 – “Prince Family Paper”

Jim and Pam are seen as the couple from The Office that most viewers want to emulate. While they aren’t perfect either, it’s clear that they love each other a lot, and they have an incredibly romantic story. They are good friends and love each other way before they start dating. That’s why this romantic The Office quote from Pam is especially heartwarming, as there’s no doubt in the minds of fans that Jim and Pam are, in fact, soul mates.

It’s also a quote that speaks to just how humble Pam’s ambitions when it comes to Jim actually are. All Pam wants is a man who’ll be a good father, stay loyal to her, and encourage her to follow her passions — all of which Jim is. On a deeper level, this love quote in The Office rings true for many viewers, as many have often wondered if their own parents feel as passionately about one-another as children often assume all parents do.

7 “I Know A Few Things About Love. Horrible, Terrible, Awful, Awful Things.”

Andy Bernard In Season 5, Episode 22 – “Dream Team”

When it comes to romance, it’s not always all about rainbows and roses. Love can be something that brings a lot of joy and happiness, but it can also be something that causes a lot of pain when things don’t work out. So, this Office quote from Andy Bernard about how romance and love can sometimes be awful is true. Everyone has those moments where romance just sounds like the worst thing.

Love can sometimes be a painful experience, and
The Office
doesn’t shy away from that.

For Andy, those moments happened a lot in The Office, and he was usually to blame for the failures. It’s a moment of unashamed honesty from Andy, and also one of The Office quotes about love that shows the series isn’t only memorable when speaking on the high-points of relationships. Love can sometimes be a painful experience, and The Office doesn’t shy away from that.


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6 “No Question About It, I’m Ready To Get Hurt Again.”

Michael Scott In Season 4, Episode 14 – “Chair Model”

While love and romance can cause a lot of pain and there are times when a person just wants to swear it off, there usually comes a time when they are ready to try again. After a painful breakup or a bad relationship, starting to date again can be scary, but it can also be worth it. So, this The Office quote from Michael Scott about getting back into the dating world is incredibly relatable.

When faced with the prospect of a new relationship, Michael knows he just has to take the risk and be okay with possibly getting hurt. He was 100 percent right in his thoughts here, as there’s never a guarantee that a new romance won’t end up with heartbreak at the other end. Of course, Michael was responsible for many of the breakups he experienced, though this doesn’t make his observation any less astute.

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