1/8/14: Bullying, Authority, Wearable Fitness, Planners, more!

1/8/14: Bullying, Authority, Wearable Fitness, Planners, more!

People burned themselves trying the boiling water trick.

Good morning!

Doesn’t surprise me.

Does it surprise you?

If so, really?  I guess I’m jaded….

Sigh.  At least 50 people scalded themselves.  🙁

I’m writing this around 3:34am or so.  Huge amount of changes in my household regarding how the kids take responsibility; it took several hours but the first day went well.  It’s like fitness and health – it has to be  a daily activity.  We’ll see how it all goes.

Enough hours were spent yesterday that my templating got put on hold.   These things happen.  Still though, this is scheduled for Thursday at 2pm:

where you’ll learn:

  • How you can create thriving, engaged Facebook groups for free
  • Surprisingly quick ways to quickly monetize your groups
  • Covert ways to transform free members into premium paid members
  • Case studies, more!

Plus I reminded my Mastermind Peeps at http://askbling.com/btlace about this today’s class.  It focuses on being the first in their niche for breaking authority news – will probably build that into a $97 product in the future.  (Remember, those in the mastermind get this free!).

And don’t forget – there is 1 Day left before my next zero cost Perking Up Profits show.  Can you guess what it is?

Today I am NOT launching a product but I am running a PerkingUpProfits show at  http://askbling.com/vcefbgroups  ! If you are releasing a product, let us know!  And while I specialize in Authority Marketing, I do NOT focus on healthcare reform in Man, WV .  Greetings all Man WV healthcare  marketers, you shine!

It’s also National Tempura Day too!  http://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/articles/view/410/1/National-Tempura-Day.html .   Fax some to me, okay?  Lobbyster preferably.

Today’s Authority News:

Wearable Fitness in CES

Social Media, Bullying, and the Growing Lynch Mob Mentality

  1. http://dannybrown.me/2014/01/07/social-media-bullying-and-the-growing-lynch-mob-mentality/

Tomorrow’s Inspiring Quote:

  • “Your ability to communicate is an important tool in your pursuit of your goals, whether it is with your family, your co-workers, or your clients and customers.” – Les Brown

Have a great day!


Grow strong,

Barbara Ling