1/6/14: 4 Winter Driving Myths, Zero Cost Webinar Thursday, FB ==> Your Site, more!

Deep Freeze is coming.

Good morning!

Yep.  You’re one of the first to know:

Learn These Four Winter Driving Myths to Stay Safe in a Snowstorm

I had heard about #4 but didn’t realize that snow melt theory.  How about you?

I’m writing this around 4:30am or so.  Rather sleepless night but these things happen!   And 21 more folk took advantage of the Monetizing Free FB Groups (woohoo!).  That price has now returned to $197.   However, soon it will be time for the 3 week mastermind; you can signup for the free webinar this Thursday at 2pm EST  over at

You’ll learn:

  • How you can create thriving, engaged Facebook groups for free
  • Surprisingly quick ways to quickly monetize your groups
  • Covert ways to transform free members into premium paid members
  • Case studies, more!

Plus I reminded my Mastermind Peeps at http://askbling.com/btlace about this Wednesday’s class.

And don’t forget – there are 3 Days left before my next zero cost Perking Up Profits show.  Can you guess what it is?

Today I am NOT launching a product but I am running a PerkingUpProfits show at  http://askbling.com/vcefbgroups  ! If you are releasing a product, let us know!  And while I specialize in Authority Marketing, I do NOT focus on PLR in Dinkytown, MN.  Greetings all Dinkytown MN social PLR  marketers, you shine!

It’s also Thank God It’s Monday too!  http://nationaldaycalendar.com/tag/national-thank-god-its-monday-day/ .  The first Monday of the New Year is always TGIM Day.   Go figure.  🙂

Today’s Authority News:

Strikingly review: Make mobile-friendly Web sites with your Facebook profile and a click

Tomorrow’s Inspiring Quote:

  • “It takes 20 years to become an overnight success.” – Eddie Cantor

Have a great day!


Grow strong,

Barbara Ling